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用英语写的教学 反思 ,既可以提高我们的英语运用频率,又能够提升我们的写作能力。下面是我给大家整理的教学反思英语 范文 ,供大家参阅! 教学反思英语范文篇1 english teaching summary first、seize the opportunity and render english classroom atmosphere to create a relaxed and happy learning environment and arouse students interest and curiosity. second、the full study on materials, careful preparation, increase interest in each aspect of teaching. it’s always from easy to difficult for teachers to deal with learning materials and content. at the same time we should consider a certain degree of stimulation on the students learning interests to make the students’ thought is always in a positive state, so that their interest gradually upgrade. secondly, we should increase the teaching links third、pay attention to the “people oriented” to let students play the main role. the past teaching often emphasizes the teachers leading, but only consider students as the object of education. and students’ mind is seen as the container that can be filled with education characteristics and students’ subjective initiative are ignored. teachers should put the pupils as life with growth potential who contain the mechanism main body should realize the purpose of teaching is to develop the students potential, drive the development the basic view of human nature is the premise of the relationship between teachers and students. if educators believe that human nature is lazy, shiftless, the need for strict teachings is to enlightening conscience, then the authority type relationship between teachers and students should be the most effective. the traditional the teachers dignity is the embodiment of authoritative relation between teachers and students. the modern education view is that human nature is positive and upward with the potential for growth and progress. the purpose of education is to improve the development of the development of human potential. the promotion of human, and authoritative type relationship between teachers and students will no doubt kill creativity and endowment of children. in the teaching process, patience is very important. it is the embodiment of a teacher of good behavior. teachers job is to solve the problem of students of different degrees of problems, which in addition to teaching, but also the soul. the work of educating people is hard, because they must deal with all kinds of problems. and countless students should be faced with a warm heart patient. most of the students, especially the poor students , their english learning persistence and patience are poor, so while learning their mood is often in a state of suppression. they feel that learning is boring. therefore, in the classroom besides to give them participate in activities and the opportunity to speak, especially for their questions and doubts, even simple we teachers should also be patient to answer, and give support and praise, so to eliminate their heart fear and sense of loss is very favorable. ⅰ preparation and teaching process ⅱ students’ learning process for most of the time, all of the students were very hard-working. it seemed that they had grasped all the knowledge effectively in this period. however, i found some problems when they stood up to give me answers. at that time, i felt nervous about my teaching effect. “was my teaching method unsuitable for them?”, i said to myself, but i had no time to think. i tried to speak more slowly and clearly, giving them more time to think and speak. it really worked. the students and i cooperated well during the following steps. in my teaching process, i felt it a pity that i didn’t give the students time to present their papers and correct their mistakes, which i thought i should keep in mind for future teaching. after the class, our instructor gave me some advice, which was quite acceptable and suitable to me. ⅲ the organization of the class in terms of my organization of the class, there were seven steps in detail. they were warm-up, revision, presentation, practice, conclusion, discussion and writing. from the angle of the time control, all of the steps were carried out successfully during my class. warm-up and revision occupied about 8 minutes; presentation occupied 5 minutes; practice accounted for half of the class; writing lasted about 7 minutes. i was quite satisfied with the part of oral practice, because every student participated in listening and talking. they could give correct answers when they stood up. the feedback information was ideal at this point. 教学反思英语范文篇2 Ⅰ Preparation and teaching process During my preparation, I prepared a lot of pictures to realize the revision and teaching of the new words. I found that they were quite attractive when students saw them during the teaching. To some extent, the use of the pictures of some famous stars could cultivate students’ interest to use the adjectives to describe their appearance, personality and order to avoid the one-sidedness of comprehension, I gave students more time to read and practice. Ⅱ Students’ learning process During the class, I proceeded well as I designed. Once I raised a question, most of the students could undertake brainstorm and gave me the correct answers. When the discussion time came, I divided them into groups of four, asking them to do related tasks. What I didn’t expect was that they preferred not to come to the front for acting. I felt a bit embarrassed at first, but I respected their choices and dealt with it properly. For most of the time, all of the students were very hard-working. It seemed that they had grasped all the knowledge effectively in this period. However, I found some problems when they stood up to give me answers. At that time, I felt nervous about my teaching effect. “Was my teaching method unsuitable for them?”, I said to myself, but I had no time to think. I tried to speak more slowly and clearly, giving them more time to think and speak. It really worked. The students and I cooperated well during the following steps. In my teaching process, I felt it a pity that I didn’t give the students time to present their papers and correct their mistakes, which I thought I should keep in mind for future teaching. After the class, our instructor gave me some advice, which was quite acceptable and suitable to me. Ⅲ The organization of the class In terms of my organization of the class, there were seven steps in detail. They were warm-up, revision, presentation, practice, conclusion, discussion and writing. From the angle of the time control, all of the steps were carried out successfully during my class. Warm-up and revision occupied about 8 minutes; presentation occupied 5 minutes; practice accounted for half of the class; writing lasted about 7 minutes. I was quite satisfied with the part of oral practice, because every student participated in listening and talking. They could give correct answers when they stood up. The feedback information was ideal at this point. Meanwhile, I was not satisfied with the writing part, as I mentioned in partⅡ.Although students had time to write their compositions, they didn’t have the opportunities to know how well they had written. They should get some comments on their composition, for instance, grammar, sentence structure, hand-writing and so on. If I had five more minutes, I would present their papers to the whole class and gave some corrections if necessary. All in all, on one hand, this was a comparatively successful class. On the other hand, during my competition, I found some unsatisfactory elements in my teaching. I think it would be better for me to improve the teaching procedure for future use. In addition, the classed should be practical and adhere to the students’ ability. I learned a lot from my experience and my instructor’s guide. In order to realize the new concept of teaching, I think I need to do more research on the textbook and learn more from the others. 教学反思英语范文篇3 English teaching summary Under the new curriculum standard in primary school English teaching, teachers should cultivate and maintain student thick interest in learning, seize the opportunity, render English classroom atmosphere, arouse students' interest and curiosity,study the textbook fully,and prepare for the class carefully, Of cours increasing interest in each aspect of teaching is also very important. Teachers should also pay attention to the “people oriented” to let students play the main can establish new relationship and pay attention to the importance of affective communication between teachers and students,so that students can cultivate much interest in we can also develop different kinds of after schoo activities with extensive we know ,interest is the best teacher,so a successful English teacher should consciously train the student in the teaching of English lasting interest, encourage students to learn in a good state to make them be interested in English classroom teaching methods must be constantly updated, Teachers can organize students to a wide range of language practice activities with flexible teaching methods. Strengthen the cultivation of students' interest in English learning, let students become interested as motivation to participate in practice, provide the dynamics of language practice activities. First、Seize the opportunity and render English classroom atmosphere to create a relaxed and happy learning environment and arouse students' interest and curiosity. Characteristics of primary school age are: love speaking and moving, but be weak in self restriction or self control ability . Maybe we will neglecte these characteristics while teaching, even just follow simple traditional teaching mode, use traditional teaching methods and mechanical explanation. We must not consider them as the container of knowledge to instill boring cold grammar and they won’t be interested in, even don’t have the learning enthusiasm and initiative. At present, the quality of English Teaching in primary school is poor, I am afraid that this is one of the main reasons. The learning needs interest. In a certain sense, learning English requires more interest. How to stimulate students interest in learning, and keep it, make it become their motivation to learn, is the starting point of interesting teaching consideration Second、The full study on materials, careful preparation, increase interest in each aspect of teaching. It’s always from easy to difficult for teachers to deal with learning materials and content. At the same time we should consider a certain degree of stimulation on the student's learning interests to make the students’ thought is always in a positive state, so that their interest gradually upgrade. Secondly, we should increase the teaching link's interest. The diversification of teaching methods but also helps to make the students’ interest can be maintained. Before presending language materials, the teacher must think of a way to create new and credible scenarios for students, which attract the attention of students, to show the scene by the transition to the textbook scenario. At the same time, rational use of material objects, pictures, charts, brief strokes, live recording, multimedia courseware and so on, so that the scenes to be rendered more intuitive and full of fun. For example, in the text teaching, the teachers may downloaded some reading and writing materials from the Internet, use self-made courseware for teaching, through the combination of sound, light, electricity, with vivid image, the real picture, beautiful language and music, to enrich the students' imagination, stimulate the students' interest and thirst for knowledge, enhance students' memory effect. Third、Pay attention to the “people oriented” to let students play the main role. The past teaching often emphasizes the teacher's leading, but only consider students as the object of education. And students’ mind is seen as the container that can be filled with education characteristics and students’ subjective initiative are ignored. Teachers should put the pupils as life with growth potential who contain the mechanism main body should realize the purpose of teaching is to develop the students' potential, drive the development mechanism of its subject, to grow, mature. The "people-oriented" concept in the field of education more and more win support among the people. In the process of education,the way that takes the student as the center, gives full play to students' initiative has become teachers’ enthusiastic teaching method. First language acquisition research and foreign language learning studies have identified. The inportance of teaching isn’t “What should we teach?” any longer, but “How should we do to create such conditions in class?”. New curriculum standard emphasizes that students "do what", therefore, we should fully reflect the students' initiative and creativity in the teaching process, to enhance the ability of students to use English. Fourth、Establish new relationship and pay attention to the emotional communication between teachers and students, cultivate interest in study. The basic view of human nature is the premise of the relationship between teachers and students. If educators believe that human nature is lazy, shiftless, the need for strict teachings is to enlightening conscience, then the authority type relationship between teachers and students should be the most effective. The traditional the teacher's dignity is the embodiment of authoritative relation between teachers and students. The modern education view is that human nature is positive and upward with the potential for growth and progress. The purpose of education is to improve the development of the development of human potential. The promotion of human, and authoritative type relationship between teachers and students will no doubt kill creativity and endowment of children. In the teaching process, patience is very important. It is the embodiment of a teacher of good behavior. Teacher's job is to solve the problem of students of different degrees of problems, which in addition to teaching, but also the soul. The work of educating people is hard, because they must deal with all kinds of problems. And countless students should be faced with a warm heart patient. Most of the students, especially the "poor students" , their English learning persistence and patience are poor, so while learning their mood is often in a state of suppression. They feel that learning is boring. Therefore, in the classroom besides to give them participate in activities and the opportunity to speak, especially for their questions and doubts, even simple we teachers should also be patient to answer, and give support and praise, so to eliminate their heart fear and sense of loss is very favorable. In a word, in learning English, interest is for the first. The level of language ability of students is limited in a large extent by the degree of interest in learning English. It is difficult to imagine how lost interest but also the cultivation of communicative competence. So, as English teachers, on the one hand we should teach the language knowledge to the students and make them master the skills. On the other hand, we should also pay more attention to cultivate and maintain the students' interest in the subject, so that they can get twice the result with half the effort. This can be true makes the new course standard requirements implemente.

273 评论



由于这节课主要是几个词汇的教授,所以难点也存在于这几个词汇上,如taste, salt等单词的发音,sweet 和sour相对的中文意思。

以及学生可能会把本课时的内容和上一课时的内容混淆在一起,如taste 和touch。

在反复的操练过程后,同学们对salt, salty, sour这三个单词掌握不够牢固。还需要进一步的巩固。而后开始教授课文的对话部分。该对话大部分内容在上学期已经学过。因此整个对话以复习操练为主。










在小学英语教学中要注重创设情景,因为情景既可以满足小学生的心理需要,引起他们的有意注意,还可以让他们从小就明白学习英语是为交际服务的;而且学生在有情景的活动中学习英语,有身临其境的感觉,能加深他们所学英语知识的印象。本单元中“季节与气候”是与实际生活紧密联系的,也是学生所熟悉的。在设计过程中,我制作了课件,首先通过一个有关四季的动画吸引学生的注意力,渲染课堂气氛,让学生感受所要学习的内容是有关四个季节的,同时观察不同季节不同的天气特征,为下面的教学作铺垫。其次,在教学完四季及四季的特征后,我通过一张当天的中国天气预报图,给学生创设一个预报天气的情景,学习“sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy, snowy”这些主要天气特征,并结合句型“What’s the weather like in(城市)?”进行教学,做到词不离句,句不离词,贴近学生的生活实际。为了增加学生的词汇量,我把课文中没有的但十分贴近生活的snowy介绍给了学生。学生在学习这部分的过程中,不仅学到了英语知识,还学到了其他知识。





1、没有处理好单词教学的轻重安排。比如说,hot, cold等一些已学过的单词可以少花点时间,把那些时间放到weather, winter, windy等较难的单词上。

2、没有处理好一些细节。比如:我提问学生What’s the weather like in spring?学生回答了It’s warm.我还在让学生问我。没能即时调整教学思路。




在教学过程中,我先带领学生唱了一首英文歌,《The wheels on the bus》,用以调动学生的兴趣,边看动画边唱歌曲,学生很快就进入了英语的学习当中。通过I go to school by bus.引出今天的课题,并教学单词taxi和词组by taxi。由教师感到口渴了,想带学生一起去肯德基,引出新授句型How do we go there?并操练,肯德基是学生们最爱去的地方之一,听到老师要带他们去肯德基,学生们的情绪一下子高昂了起来,气氛也活跃多了。通过师生对话,引导学生学习新句型Shall we go to ... by ...? All right. / OK.然后带领学生多次朗读,让学生熟记。通过猜测教师所给图片是不是电影 院,引出新单词theatre并教读,在学生能够熟练朗读的基础上,结合之前所教的句型操练去剧院,以培养学生实际语言运用的能力。在学生多次操练后,带学生一起说chant,放松心情。通过看图片,回答问题,教授新句型Excuse me, is this…for…? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.,再通过游戏的形式复习巩固这个句型。游戏是学生非常喜欢的一种复习方式。游戏环节的设计不但可以调动全体学生的热情,还顾及了个别和整体的操练:让个别学生提问、猜测,待答案揭晓后再以组为单位充分利用图片进行对话。

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复习九个建筑物单词和五个方位词;准确运用句型“Excuse me where’s the police office?”;运用所学知识用英语问路或给他人指路。








在这节课的准备和实际教学中,我也深深地感受到了新的课程标准对教师提出的新的要求。在本课书的“讲故事”活动中,我使用了电脑课件。课文变成动画片,孩子们喜欢的Uncle Booky,Mocky,ken,Ann将孩子们带入了一个梦幻般的英语童话世界。在教学中,我从孩子们的脸上看到了他们的陶醉,看到了他们的专注。随着故事的发展,孩子们听着,笑着,回答着老师的提问。由此可见,巧妙地运用多媒体信息技术,设计“整合型”的语言教学模式,是有效地进行外语教学的有效途径。作为一名外语教师,将多媒体信息技术引入语言课堂是语言教学发展的必然趋势。新课程标准所提倡的教学模式还对教师的语言素质、知识水平提出了更高的要求,教师必须勤于思索,设计出巧妙的教学活动,创设真实的语言情境,才能驾御新课程标准要求下新的语言课堂教学。


















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