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vt. 求助, 用咒语召唤, 请求, 应用, 引起[计算机] 调用

89 评论


Due to the continuous and discrete controller interact external physical environment,Therefore the law of data acquisition and random disturbance and user communication conflicts constantly.Heterogeneous control software design is a complex process that traditional heterogeneous controlTwo stage design strategy software can not meet the control system from system modeling softwareThe consistency of the program, in different platforms reuse and evolution. In this paperA layered heterogeneous control software field component modeling design method. componentThe software will be able to control the domain knowledge of isolated from platform, the partyAnd system modeling and design of the software, Will scheduling components from the computation functionSeparation of form, to control the whole, thus promoting modelAnd system implementation. This paper also introduces the design patterns "management support.To regulate component interaction between behavior and build hierarchical reconfigurable softA structure, improve the system model expansibility. "Management" for a given control componentSystem provides independent of execution platform solutions. Its design patternOnce the final implementation, members can in a quiescent state, thus for systemThe definition and implementation of large particle provide support. But, in the "management"A group of components under can be abstracted as the hierarchical structure model of high-level abstractions big grainDegree in support of the component members can be assembled.1 layered heterogeneous control software component, design pattern definition and descriptionThe definition and describe 1.1 componentsObject-oriented design methodology through object abstraction, layered structure and methodsCall up to limit the complexity of the system Cl. Due to a group of objects can often coordinationFinish the coherent function, middleware design methodology advocate one or more objectsEncapsulation make up "service", and "service" for the system integration. Facing toLike the design methodology and design methodology of main middleware interactive mechanism is directlyThe flow of control from one object to another object method invocation, emphasize the departmentSeries is decomposed into component composition, but the correctness of the component integrated depends on individual designersAbility. This component description methods will ask interaction abstract componentDifferent interactive model, based on the interaction model describing the function of independent componentsInteractive mode.The traditional software engineering will component is defined as a unit, only in the executionThe component can determine the release and integration. In the heterogeneous control software field, componentIs produced by the data input data output series until the parametric behaviorOutfit. Whether a heterogeneous control component depends on whether it has internal state, severalAccording to the data input output asked the definition of communication through I = 1. End I = 1 and participationThe number of components is I = 1, But the end I = 1 does not like the object-oriented design methodologyAs a return to have a call. Generally, a component does not need references to otherComponent to define the local activities.Form, a component is a collection of c (P, T, D), including:(1) the VI collection P. The description, Type VI init), including the goods of C1 P,Type Type, initialization, this paper requires all initEType value must be the name V1The only. The assumption PEPorts VI Type, use symbols that Type of P,.Init] says initialization of P. All data communication of internal components are neededThrough the ports. A: I was the one share in global namespace is uniqueStereotype variables. Port use global namespace is mainly for the abstract conceptThe definition of simplified components, not realizing that the component must be Shared storageFund project: yunnan high-tech innovation talents funded project, Yunnan provincial department of educationYoung teachers' scientific research funded project (5Y0676D), Kunming polytechnic school fundsEye (2006-10),Zhang jing: the cone interface (1974), male, professor, doctoral students, the research direction:Real-time control software, software engineering, ZhangYunSheng, professor, tutor, To phoenix red,Professors, dr

254 评论


invoke援引,祈求。 invoker祈求者

294 评论


如果是初学的话,还是自己多摆弄下,别怕弄坏,不出错永远不会精通,哪个高手的机子没重装过几次啊,在用的过程中你就会接触很多单词,随手查查意思,对碰几次面就自然而然的会了,学CS的一般没有可以去学计算机英语的,因为计算机本来就是们离不开英语的课程。给你几个不错的有关计算机的网站: 中国最大的IT技术社区 微软MSDN

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