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对不起,我亲爱的英语老师,因为上星期我缺课了。原因是这样的:我班的某某生病了,难于联系到家人,情况紧急,我迅速带她到医院检查,侥幸的是,他的病无大碍。但是我错过了我最喜欢的英语课,我抄同学笔记,并且认真做作业,如有不会的地方,还得烦请老师帮助我。谢谢老师再次说声:老师对不起,我一定好好学习英语,那最好的成绩回报爱我的老师爱你的学生*****My dear teacher,I am sorry for my absence in English class .The reason is that someone in my class fell ill and we found it hard to communicate with his parents ,then I took him to the hospital immediately without delay .Fortunately, the disease was nothing serious ,but I missed my beloved English class.what a pity! The moment I got back to school ,I took other's notes and did the homework independently.From now on ,I will ask you for help if I fail to understand something in English.Please forgive my absence and impoliteness .I will learn English harder than ever before in return for your kindness and timely helpyours sincerely*********欢迎追问,望采纳

351 评论


【 #高考# 导语】不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。对于考试而言,每天进步一点点,基础扎实一点点,通过考试就会更容易一点点。 为您提供2020高考英语写作道歉信高分素材,巩固所学知识并灵活运用,考试时会更得心应手,快来看看吧! 一、“信达雅”的写作标准信:具体内容信息点无一遗漏,写信意图,道歉事由,补救措施达:语气真诚有礼,照顾读信人的感受,理由合适,忌强词夺理雅:高大上词汇的使用,复句的设计,语篇的衔接和连贯二、高分素材break the appointment 破坏约定listen to my explanation 听我的解释say sorry about… 关于……而道歉extend my regrets that… 表达我深深的遗憾……to my deep regrets 令我深深遗憾的是it’s a pity that… 令人遗憾的是……it will be impossible for me to do… 对我来说……是不能够了accept my apology 接受我的道歉out of my expectation 令我意想不到的是it suddenly occurs to me that… 我突然想起来……be informed that… 被告知……urgent meeting 紧急的会议be selected to do… 被选拔去做……on behalf of… 代表……had…injured 损伤了……(身体的某个部位)receive medical treatment 接受医治keep the appointment 赴约make up for it 做出补偿on my treat 由我买单三、段首常用语1. I feel so sorry to tell you that I will not be able to keep the appointment we made.2. I feel it a deep regret to break the appointment we made.3. I am writing to extend my apology for not being able to keep our appointment.4. Please allow me to explain the reason.

331 评论


Dear_____, I am writing this letter to express my apology that ______________. I feel terribly sorry about this. Once again, I am very sorry for any inconvenience caused. I will be really appreciated if you can accept my apologies and understand my situation. Yours Sincerely______

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216 评论


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