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【成考快速报名和免费咨询: 】 本文江苏成人高考网根据《全国各类成人高等学校招生复习考试大纲》收集整理了2021年江苏成人高考高起点《语文》模拟试题及答案(3)的相关内容,以供广大考生参考,具体如下:选择题1.下列句子采用的是什么修辞手法?什么是路?就是从没路的地方践踏出来的,从只有荆棘的地方开辟出来的。A.设问B.夸张C.比拟D.反问2.下列句子采用的是什么修辞手法?惨象,已使我目不忍视了;流言,尤使我耳不忍闻。我还有什么话可说呢?A.比喻,夸张B.夸张,反问C.比拟,反复D.反问,对偶3.下列句子采用的是什么修辞手法?敌人一天天烂下去,我们一天天好起来。A.比喻,夸张B.对偶,比拟C.对偶,夸张D.反问,比拟4.下列句子采用的是什么修辞手法?我疑心这是极好的文章,因为读到这里,他总是微笑起来,而且将头仰起,摇着,向后拗过去,拗过去。A.反复B.夸张C.比拟D.反问5.下列各句,没有结构混乱的一句是()。A.神话乃是社会发展和艺术发展处于低级阶段的产物,现在就来看看这篇神话是产生在什么样的时代呢?B.当上级宣布我们摄制组成立并交给我们任务的时候,我们大家有既光荣又愉快的感觉是颇难形容的。C.李提摩太在“意见书”中说了一通“教民、养民、安民、新民”的漂亮话,把自己打扮成活像一个外国的康有为。D.由于现代科学技术的发明和大家庭制度的解体,中国的大宅院,欧洲的古城堡也都渐渐失去了它的作用。参考答案:ADBAD成考有疑问、不知道如何总结成考考点内容、不清楚成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:

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【成考快速报名和免费咨询: 】福建省成人高考网为了帮助同学们更好的备考,特别整理了2021年福建成考专起本《英语》模拟题及答案(3),希望同学们努力备考,在此预祝同学们顺利通过考试!text 1pany. These authorityfigures never saw the way one of us could do something outrageous, and the restof us would joke about it for days. We could have fun doing absolutely nothingat all―becausethe (1)_______ we provided each other with was enough. Rather than discussingoperas, Lewinsky, or the weather, we enjoyed just (2)_______ each other withoutany one of us trying to outsmart the others. Still, I realize that these adultshad a(3)_______ to be concerned about the direction my friends were(4)_______;I also was concerned for them, but I wasn't about to (5)_______ them.Many times I would advise my friends that some activitymay be (6)_______ or to think things through before doing something, but Iwould never claim to hold the moral high ground and to condescend to them. WhenMarvin would begin rolling joints, when Alisa would tell me she skipped schoolbecause of a hangover, or when Merriam would tell me that her new boyfriend wasin a street gang, I expressed my discomfort with their (7)_______. However, Inever (8)_______ them with the threat of taking my friendship away. Contrary tothe commercials on television, you can have (9)______ who use drugs. In fact,probably everyone does without (10)______ it.1. A. gift B. present C. company D. friendship2. A. hanging around B. learning from C. communicatingwith D. joining in3. A. prejudice B. point C. suggestion D. situation4. A. giving B. coming C. heading D. facing5. A. ignore B. upset C. blame D. leave6. A. crazy B. dangerous C. boring D. important7. A. action B. lessons C. words D. thoughts8. A. force B. threaten C. persuade D. cheat9. A. friends B. girlfriends C. classmates D. brothers10. A. hearing B. recognizing C. realizing D. knowing【解题导语】本文是议论文,主要讲述了友谊的相关内容,友谊是无条件的,不带偏见的,彼此相互尊尊重,并且喜欢和对方在一起,这就是友谊。【新词链接】base on 在……的基础上provided sb. with sth. 给某人提供某物be concerned about 关心hang around 闲荡【试题解析】1. C 由首句可知,只要我们在一起(company) 就已经足够了2. A 由上下文可知,大家只是享受那份闲来荡去(hang around)的惬意。3. B 由其后作定语的不定式短语可知4. C 因direction 后是定语从句,所以要填表示“朝着某个方向行进”的heading。5. D 从下文可看出,不管朋友有什么样的表现,我都不会和他们绝交(leave them)6. B 由前文的“提醒(advise)”和后文“三思而后行”可知,有些活动是“危险”的。7. A 指上文列举的“吸大麻”、“逃学”、“交街上小混混做男友”等之类的不良“行为”。8. B 由语境可知,是用绝交来“威胁”他们。9. A 指任何人都有可能有不良行为的“朋友”。10. C 由前句可知本句意为每个人都有这类朋友,只是没“意识到”而已。text 2Friendship is unconditional and uncritical, based only onmutual respect and the ability to enjoy each other's company. These authorityfigures never saw the way one of us could do something outrageous, and the restof us would joke about it for days. We could have fun doing absolutely nothingat all―becausethe (1)_______ we provided each other with was enough. Rather than discussingoperas, Lewinsky, or the weather, we enjoyed just (2)_______ each other withoutany one of us trying to outsmart the others. Still, I realize that these adultshad a(3)_______ to be concerned about the direction my friends were(4)_______;I also was concerned for them, but I wasn't about to (5)_______ them.Many times I would advise my friends that some activitymay be (6)_______ or to think things through before doing something, but Iwould never claim to hold the moral high ground and to condescend to them. WhenMarvin would begin rolling joints, when Alisa would tell me she skipped schoolbecause of a hangover, or when Merriam would tell me that her new boyfriend wasin a street gang, I expressed my discomfort with their (7)_______. However, Inever (8)_______ them with the threat of taking my friendship away. Contrary tothe commercials on television, you can have (9)______ who use drugs. In fact,probably everyone does without (10)______ it.1. A. gift B. present C. company D. friendship2. A. hanging around B. learning from C. communicatingwith D. joining in3. A. prejudice B. point C. suggestion D. situation4. A. giving B. coming C. heading D. facing5. A. ignore B. upset C. blame D. leave6. A. crazy B. dangerous C. boring D. important7. A. action B. lessons C. words D. thoughts8. A. force B. threaten C. persuade D. cheat9. A. friends B. girlfriends C. classmates D. brothers10. A. hearing B. recognizing C. realizing D. knowing【解题导语】本文是议论文,主要讲述了友谊的相关内容,友谊是无条件的,不带偏见的,彼此相互尊尊重,并且喜欢和对方在一起,这就是友谊。【新词链接】base on 在……的基础上provided sb. with sth. 给某人提供某物be concerned about 关心hang around 闲荡【试题解析】1. C 由首句可知,只要我们在一起(company) 就已经足够了2. A 由上下文可知,大家只是享受那份闲来荡去(hang around)的3. B 由其后作定语的不定式短语可知。4. C 因direction 后是定语从句,所以要填表示“朝着某个方向行进”的heading5. D 从下文可看出,不管朋友有什么样的表现,我都不会和他们绝交(leave them)。6. B 由前文的“提醒(advise)”和后文“三思而后行”可知,有些活动是“危险”的。7. A 指上文列举的“吸大麻”、“逃学”、“交街上小混混做男友”等之类的不良“行为”。8. B 由语境可知,是用绝交来“威胁”他们9. A 指任何人都有可能有不良行为的“朋友”。10. C 由前句可知本句意为每个人都有这类朋友,只是没“意识到”而已。成考有疑问、不知道如何总结成考考点内容、不清楚成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:

357 评论


【成考快速报名和免费咨询: 】2021年成人高考专升本《英语》精选模拟题及答案,更多2021成人高考模拟试题、成人高考历年真题等信息,请及时关注浙江成考网()或搜索公众微信号“浙江成考网”获取!如何复习最有效?怎样答题才能得高分?在成人高考备考阶段,很多人会纠结应该先复习?还是先做题?下面这些方法与建议,希望能对你有所帮助。做题是为了什么? 还不是为了更深刻地理解知识,更灵活地运用知识,更直接地发现学习的漏洞 ,所以在做题之前可以要把学的知识再熟悉一遍,然后通过做题检验学的效果。总的来说,先复习,这样有了基础知识,在去做题,是比较有效的。浙江成考网推荐2021年浙江专升本成人高考《英语》在线题库:点此报名,下载并注册,即可使用在线题库。所有科目,每日一练、章节练习、错题汇总、模拟试题、考前押题、历年真题,助力考生轻松备考!浙江成考网()提供:成人高考模拟试题、高频考题、历年真题,包括成人高考高起专、专升本、高起本所有考试科目模拟试题等,现在完成预报名,即可领取全套复习资料(点此查看)。 成考有疑问、不知道如何总结成考考点内容、不清楚成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:

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  • 2021年成人自考模拟考试题及答案

    【成考快速报名和免费咨询: 】 本文江苏成人高考网根据《全国各类成人高等学校招生复习考试大纲》收集整理了2021年江苏成人高

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