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2021成人高考英语作文有什么建议吗?在我们进行2021年成人高考的备考时,英语科目是很多考生的一大头疼之处,选择题还好说,实在不行可以靠题感来解决,而到了真刀实枪考验考生英语功底的作文题目时,考生就开始犯了难,今天,就来给大家介绍几个能短时间提升自己英语作文水平的小技巧。1.注意分点论述 无论是哪个类型的成人高考英语作文,考生要完成的内容都是有条理的,因此,考生在完成英语作文的写作时,也要注意根据作文题目的要求,将内容分条阐述,在前后两条内容中间,可以适当使用连接词汇,如first,second,third,last等。这样,使得文章层次分明,结构完整,而且也能适当弥补作文字数,是一个给作文提分的重要方法。 2.注意使用短语 分析往年黑龙江成人高考英语作文题目,我们不难发现,无论是高起点层次还是专升本层次,其作文题目都有一定的字数要求,当考生基础薄弱,尤其是单词量储备不是非常丰富的时候,就可以多准备一些常用的短语,用同义短语替换原本应当使用的单词,这样,既能满足作文的字数要求,又提升了作文本身的质量,可谓是一举两得。 3.背诵范文 在成人高考英语作文的备考上,背诵范文模板可以说是最快捷有效的方法。我们观察近几年的成考英语作文,不难发现,成人高考英语作文的考察内容和形式都相对比较固定在,因此,若考生英语基础不高,且备考时间已经所剩不多,将历年成人高考英语真题作文的范文进行背诵是最好的备考方法。等正式参加考试时,再根据题目将背诵好的范文内容进行能力范围内的替换,拿到英语作文的基础分基本不是问题。自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:

150 评论



1.There are many different opinions among people as a ...,some people suggest that... 关于......人们有不同的观点。一些人认为......

2.Today... which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life.First,...Second,...what makes things worse is that... 现在,... 它们给我们的生活带来了许多危害。首先...其次...最糟糕的是...

3.As far as ... is concerned 就...而言

4.It can be said with certainty that...可以肯定地说...

5.It has to be noticed that...必须注意到...

6.Similarly, we should pay attention to...同样,我们要注意

7.In this respect, we may as well (say )从这个角度上我们可以说

8.Therefore, we have the reason to believe that...因此,我们有理由相信…

9.All things considered,总而言之 It may besafely said that...它可以有把握地说......

10.Therefore, in my opinion, it's more advisable...因此,在我看来,更可取的是…


My Dream

I have a dream from the first time I sit in a car—I want to drive. Driving is the most meaningful way to meet human being’s desire of “faster”. What’s more, driving a car can take me to any place I want whether it rains, snows, blows or not. A smooth ride in a good car is enjoyable. With rows of trees moving backward rapidly, music played, breeze blowing, my soul flies in the air. I love this feeling very much.


The Job I Like

I like to be a teacher. Three reasons have led me to choose this occupation. First, teaching is learning. To make my lectures more constructive and stimulating, I have to read more books, explore new knowledge and gain a better understanding of the world, which is the very thing I enjoy in my life. Second, teaching means freedom and independence. As a teacher, I’m free to use my own ideas and make my own decisions. Finally, I like teaching because it offers certain peace of mind. All in all, the reasons above make me like teaching best.

225 评论




1. 生活意味着什么

2. 举例说明

I consider life means three things to me.

First, life is hard work. For example, if we can do a part-time job besides our full-time job, we can earn more money and afford nice food, a nice house, or even a nice car. Second life means enjoyment. We should enjoy ourselves because we only live once. We should enjoy ourselves by developing our hobbies and interests such cooking and reading. And third, life means decision. We make decision all our life, for example, on what we should learn, which university we should go to, where we should work, where we should live and whom we should marry.

In a word, I think life means work, enjoyment and decision.


1. 空气污染的危害

2. 一些可行的解决方法

The air pollution is harmful and it can be solved.

The air pollution does harm to people. It causes people to suffer from some illnesses such as a headache and a couth. And it affects the environment, too. For example, in some heavily-polluted areas, plants do not grow well or can’t grow at all. But something can be done to solve the problem. First, we can develop a good public bus transportation system to reduce the number of cars on the roads. Cars are the main source of air pollution in many places. And second, we can move all the pollution-causing factories out of cities.

To sum up, something can be done to solve the serious problem of air pollution.


1、表并列或递进:and,both…and...,neither…nor,not only…but also...


3、表转折或让步:but,although,though,however,even though,inspite of,on the contrary


5、表举例:for example,such as,that's to say

6、表强调:in fact,of course,besides

7、表时间顺序:when,after,before,as soon as,soon,after

8、表因果关系:because,since,as,for,for this reason,as a result

9、表结论:in a word,to sum up,in summary,in conclusion,on the whole

127 评论


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