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小学英语 阅读




Big cities and the countryside

Teaching aims

Students can understand the differences between big cities and the countryside.

Students can be familiar with the structure and usage of comparative degree.

Students will develop their reading abilities to catch keywords.

Students can foster the awareness of protecting the environment and understand their own options.

Key and difficult points

Key point

To understand the content of the reading material and be familiar with the structure and usage of comparative degree.

Difficult point

How to foster the awareness of protecting environment and understand their own options.

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greetings.

2. Let students enjoy a song named Five Hundred Miles and ask them whether they like this song and what kind of music the song belongs to. The song goes like this:

If you miss the train I am on.

You will know that I am gone.

You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles.

A hundred miles, a hundred miles.

A hundred miles, a hundred miles.

You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles.

Ask students to answer the question. Then tell them the features of country music and lead into the topic.

Step 2: Pre-reading

Show pictures of Beijing, Shanghai, and the countryside. And ask students to describe these pictures. After that ask a question, “Where do you want to live?” Then ask students to predict the main idea of the passage according to the title and these pictures.

Step 3: While-reading

1. Extensive listening

Read the passage for students and ask them to find the main idea of the reading material. At the same time, check their prediction.

Then invite one student to share the answer.

2. Intensive listening

Ask students to read the passage carefully and catch keywords for detailed information. They need to find out the cities mentioned in the passage and their features. Then lead students to fill in the chart on the blackboard.

After that explain the usage and structure of comparative degree.

3. Ask students to read after the tape to imitate the intonation and pronunciation.

Step 4: Post-reading

Ask students to hold a discussion in groups of four and talk about where they want to live and why. 5 minutes are given for discussion. Then invite some groups to share their opinions. And give positive feedback.

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary: invite a student to be a little teacher and summarize the whole class. Ask students to protect the environment and make cities more beautiful. They should work hard to achieve their goals.

Homework: ask students to draw a picture of the ideal place to live.

Blackboard design

Teaching reflection



1. What characteristic does pupil have, according to them how to undertake teaching?




【Suggested version】

Pupils are developing people with the following characteristics. In general,they are lively and active, playful and naughty, also with strong curiosity. Besides, they like to explore new things, and their cognitive and thinking abilities are naive and simple. Meanwhile, they can’t focus on one thing for a long time, especially in class. Therefore, teachers should focus on the characteristics of students and teach them in accordance with their aptitude. Multimedia, singing, pictures, and other novel ways are used to attract students' attention in class. At the same time, attention should be paid to students' study habits so that they can develop good study habits. Teachers also need to pay attention to discipline in class.

Only when teachers have a deep understanding of students' characteristics can they teach students in accordance with their aptitude and make students grow into talents.


2. Please talk about your strengths.






【Suggested version】

First of all, I have love and patience for students, and can constantly learn from the teaching experience of excellent teachers in school, pay attention to the comprehensive quality of students in an all-round way, and treat every student with love. Only love students, students will love you. In the process of teaching, I have been serving students and parents wholeheartedly.

Secondly, I have learned relevant professional knowledge of teaching and psychology in university, with excellent results, and I am able to apply it to real life.

Finally, I also have relevant educational experience. I once served as a teaching assistant in an educational institution, and have the experience of tutoring, so that I can understand students better and teach them according to their aptitude.

So I think I am fit to be a teacher and have the ability to shoulder the mission on my shoulder.

2020下高中英语 教师资格证 面试试题及答案【1月9日上午】


高中英语 词汇




A Couch Potato

Teaching aims

Students will be able to comprehend the passage and list the main character’s daily activity using timeline.

Students can be able to master the pronunciation, spelling, meaning and usage of the three underlined words.

Students will be able to use the words in their daily communications.

Students will be able to cultivate the awareness of having a healthy lifestyle.

Key and difficult points

Key point

To understand the passage and master the underlined words.

Difficult point

To apply the words in daily use accurately and learn to improve their lifestyle.

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greetings.

2. Have students describe what their perfect day will be like and what they will do. Invite some volunteers to share their perfect days. Have others decide whether the lifestyles are healthy. Tell students Brian is telling us about his perfect day as a couch potato. Lead into the topic and ask them to guess what a couch potato is according to the context.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Have students read the article quickly and share their understanding of couch potato (a person who takes little exercise and watches a lot of television).

2. Read the passage again and complete the timeline on the screen in 5mins. Check the answers together.

3. Have students guess the meaning of the three underlined words. The teacher makes a summary and adds more information about these words.

a. “Immediate” means at once or soon, and its adverb is “immediately”.

b. “downstairs” means to the floor lower than the one you are on, and its antonym is “upstairs”.

c. “Living room” means a room in a house where people sit together and watch television. Besides, in dining room, people have meals, and in bathroom, people take a shower.

Step 3: Practice

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. Encourage students to share their answers and have other students to review them.

1. Our troops immediately returned the fire.

2. Wait downstairs in the hall.

3. You have my room and I'll bed down in the living room.

4. He carried the plate through to the dining room.

5. Our immediate concern is to help the families of those who died.

Step 4: Production

Tell students that Brian is determined to a have healthy lifestyle, and invite them to design a timetable for him. 5 minutes are given for discussion. They are encouraged to use the vocabulary learned as much as possible. Then invite some groups to share.

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary: wrap up today’s lesson and remind them to exercise regularly, eat healthily, reduce stress and drink plenty of water.

Homework: ask students to observe their mother’s or father’s lifestyles. Describe them to group members next class and share their opinions on how to improve them.

Blackboard design

Teaching reflection



1. Please introduce yourself briefly.






【Suggested version】

Hi, I am from XX. I completed my Bachelor of Arts degree from XX College, in 2019. I majored in English translation. During college, I engaged in part-time English teaching, being an English teacher at a training institution and a volunteer teacher at a rural school. The students like my classes very much, which stimulates my love for education and make me aspire to be an educator.

I like reading during my leisure time. I like reading different kinds of books, covering education, literature, medicine, etc. My favorite book is The End of Molasses Classes authored by Ron Clark. This book is very attractive with various authentic teaching examples to illustrate that teachers should have high expectations of students, thereby students can make astonishing progress. This book has inspired me a lot during my teaching part-time experience, and will guide me in teaching in the future.

In my spare time, I also like doing some sports, such as jogging, yoga, and playing badminton with my friends.

My qualifications and work experience make me a suitable candidate to be a teacher. I am looking forward to exploring new dimensions for the further development of my skills.


2. Do you have any ways to motivate students to learn English?







【Suggested version】

One of the toughest tasks a teacher can have is to motivate students in the right way. I'd like to share my ideas.

Firstly, one way to encourage students’ intrinsic motivation is to make class communicative. Group activities and a flipped class are both great ways to attain the goal.

Secondly, making class fun is a surefire way to raise intrinsic motivation levels. Here are some strategies we can try: first is to invite pop culture into class, since students love movies, magazines and pop music. We could use them in class for listening activities, reading activities or to learn new vocabulary. The second way is to play games with students. They’re highly effective ways to teach vocabulary and practise grammatical structures.

What’s more, it’s important to give positive feedback, like compliments and encouragement, as well as criticism. Teachers don’t have to be the only source of feedback for students. We can encourage peer feedback and self-evaluation.

After teachers successfully inspire the motivation of students, we set them up for success even after they leave classrooms.

Ⅰ 《教师资格证》考试:“小学英语面试时”会提问什么问题

面试包括抄结构化问题+试讲+答辩 1.回答结构化题:考官从题库中随机抽取2个规定问题,考生回答,时间5分钟。 例题: 1.学校把提高学生成绩作为首要目标,对不对? 【答】第一,这种说法不对,应该全面发展。第二,原因。第三,全面发展的对策。第四,本学段学科的全面发展如何体现。 2.上课把学生名字念错了,怎么办? 【答】第一,保持镇定。第二,及时请教本人或班干部正确读法并表示道歉。第三,下次点名时认真看名单,保证会读的字正确读出,不会读的名字暂时不读,点完全班后再问哪个同学没有被点到,趁机明白其正确发音是什么。第四,今后在课前要认真研读名单,不认识的生僻字及时注音。 2.试讲(模拟上课):考生按照准备的教案(或活动方案)进行试讲,时间10分钟。 模拟下面有学生上课,要多和学生互动,提问问题,自问自答,一般考官不会回答你的问题。 3.答辩:考官围绕考生试讲内容和测试项目进行提问,考生答辩,时间5分钟。 面试是选优录取,按照比例,从高分到低分录取。主要考核申请人的职业道德、心理素质、仪表仪态、言语表达、思维品质等教师基本素养和教学设计、教学实施、教学评价等教学基本技能。

Ⅱ 小学英语教师资格证面试容易过吗


Ⅲ 小学英语教师资格证面试抽题都是什么题型啊,单词句子还是小对话有考过的么













Ⅳ 考小学英语教师资格证面试难面试好不好过,以后教英语如何


Ⅳ 求教小学英语教师资格证面试怎么准备

小学英语教师资格面试想要出彩,胜在活动的丰富性和趣味性,符合该阶段的学生特点,体现在具体课型的设计上就尤为重要。纵观搜集到的真题类型,占比重较大的就是词汇课型,我们就以词汇课型为例,给大家梳理下教学过程的设计。 词汇课时属于语言知识范畴的,所以重点应该着眼于词汇的讲解和运用上,也就是新课呈现的环节,而我们的教学四部曲为Warming-up, presentation, consolidation, summary and homework,即在新课之前还有个导入环节。俗话说,好的开始是成功的一半,除了在外在仪表仪态上给人舒适感,我们也要将首因效应发挥到最大化,那就是导入(尽量控制在1min30s)的设计。导入的方法推崇设置情景法,图片、音乐、视频都可选择。例如:Spring Festival这篇词汇讲解,最贴切的就是Happy new year这首歌,既可以活跃课堂气氛也能导出今天的课题,但是一个注意点是大家在运用这类型导入方法的时候,需要让学生们带着问题去欣赏图片、音乐、视频,这样接下来一个问题的提出学生给出反馈后即可引出课题。 新课教学(Presentation)部分,的方法就是图片法,尤其在我们给出的词汇大多数是名词的情况下,最为方便也最好使用,借助图片问学生what’s this?Do you know?一个接一个呈现出单词并写在黑板上,通过拼读领读等方式强化学生对新单词的音像。呈现过程中几个亮点设置:①互动多样化,时刻注意评价方式的丰富性和评价语言的魅力型,多以鼓励为主,例如nice pronunciation/you’re my boy/so clever/I’m proud of you and so on;②将单词和学生的兴趣特点生活等方面巧妙联系起来,例如食物中的ice-cream, do you like ice-cream? Yes, I love too, it tastes sweet and cool, right? But remember do not eat too many in a day in case of stomachache, ok? Good guys! 巩固拓展(Consolidation)环节,游戏是最适合小学课堂的方式,让学生们在学中玩玩中学。开展游戏的时候要注意游戏规则描述清楚,语言精练且具有合理性,符合小学生的心理和生理特点,毕竟十分钟时间时间有限。 小结作业(Summary and Homework),小结常见的方式要么是老师自己总结,或者请学生来总结亦或师生共同总结当这节课的知识点较多或复杂的时候;留出的作业以后头作业居多,多联系生活实际,在家长的帮助下完成,学会运用都可。 最后提醒各位考生,英语教师资格面试有三大隐含要求分别是全英试讲,10分钟之内完成以及呈现板书,在我们呈现板书的时候适当添加彩色粉笔、简笔画等容易引起小学生注意的元素,给你的试讲增添亮色。成竹准备,自然应考,就能发挥出最佳的状态!

Ⅵ 小学英语教师资格证面试应注意什么

英语学科10分钟试讲主要包括四个部分:新课导入、新课的讲授与呈现、巩固拓展和小结作业。这四个部分环环相扣,只有安排合理得当,做到 “凤头—猪肚—豹尾”,试讲才可脱颖而出。我们可以从以下几个方面来讲。 一、流利清晰地表达 最后,英语面试试讲毋庸置疑需要全英进行,流利清晰、大方自然的表达则是对英语考生最基本的要求,能有起有伏地讲,有一口标准的口语是最能博得考官欣赏的技巧之一,考生须在考试前多进行朗读训练,从而能更快地进行英语试讲的练习。 二、精心明确的设计 做到了“凤头—猪肚—豹尾”,我们还要在细节上注意,让考官更加注意到我们的用心,这就是板书设计。板书设计一定要注意针对性、高度的概括性以及逻辑性,小学生的课堂则更加注意趣味性,所以考生要把握课题内容,在备课时有个整体的构思。 三、新颖生动的开场 所谓“凤头”即新颖靓丽、直击主题的导入,它能从一开始就吸引住考官的眼球,取得良好的印象。考生们需要开动脑筋,尽量避免比较通俗的导入方法,比如复习式,应多利用先进的教学设施展开设置情境式热门方法,例如用音乐、儿歌等方法引入新课,同时也可模仿利用多媒体展示出多彩的内容进行新课的导入。 四、充实丰富的内容 “猪肚”则是面试当中占用时间最长的部分—新课的讲授与巩固拓展,要做到充实丰富。首先,考生需要明确考题要求,在试讲过程中不可遗漏任何知识点。其次,注意联系生活,将枯燥乏味的知识内容生动的呈现在学生面前,比如在讲解高中有关于英语语言的阅读课,可以讲一讲世界上的其他语言,或者听一听优美的英文诗歌,让同学们真实的感受英语等等。最后,在巩固拓展部分考生一定要利用自己的优势,选择适合自己的方法,带学生跳出课本,真正的运用本节课所学的知识内容进行巩固与拓展,例如小学词汇课授之后,可以将词汇编成chant带学生们练习,既巩固了新知,又活跃了气氛,更给考官展示出自己的才能。 五、有意义性的结尾 在所有知识内容讲解完毕后,考生要记住总结本课的内容并留作业,虽然此环节只占一分钟左右,但要注意作业切不可老套繁冗,尽量联系下节课的知识内容或多让学生动手动脑应用新知,比如上网搜集的任务、画图等作业,要让试讲的最后变成“豹尾”,而不是狗尾续貂,这样一堂课才能够前后呼应,达到余音绕梁的效果。

Ⅶ 教师资格证考试小学英语面试问题

1、面试不要求全英,但对单词的读音必须准确、规范。 2、如果主考没有提自我介绍的问题,不需要自我介绍,试讲和说课不一样,说课必须有说自己,而试讲完全没有必要说自己。 3、面试的科目要求与自己的学历专业对口或基本对口,如果不对口,报名时就会被拒。

Ⅷ 教师资格面试:小学英语教案要全英文写吗,面试进去


首先,需须明确的一点是英语专业的考生采用全英试讲最能打动、吸引考官。英语是一门语言,学习英语最重要的目的就是沟通交流,因此教师的语言水平是否扎实是非常关键的。其次,需须做到语言的流畅,英语口语与书面语有所不同,简单却能表达最清晰的意义,但需要正确把握语音语调。因此,为了使英语流畅、动听就需须熟悉多种课堂日常用语,灵活运用,切记一直重复一种表达方法,尤其是在于学生互动的时候,要准备好不同的表扬和评价方式,彰显你自如灵活的语言运用能力。英语尤其固有的特点,它的动听体现在不同的语音语调可以表达不同的含义和感 *** 彩,因此考生一定要注意适时的停顿和变换语调,疑问句、陈述句和感叹句等都区分开来。最后,需要注意的是语音语调把握了还不够,还需要表情的完美结合,也就是说得有相应的表情变化,体现出高低起伏,让考官倍感生动,亲切。


英语试讲中的导课比其他科目更能让人眼前一亮,开头语都可以设置非常有新意,不仅可以直接说,还可以唱,例如在与学生打招呼环节“good morning to you, good morning to you, good morning dear students good morning to you… ”采用生日歌的曲调,令考官再熟悉中感受不同的味道。最能创造亮点的地方就在于导课,我们可以采用“warming up 和lead in”,有讲故事、听音乐、看视频、讲故事,讲笑话,角色扮演等方式。因为真是的考场是没有学生在场的,我们需要自己营造一种欢快的氛围,因此采用多媒体导课的方式,不太能体现出自己的特色,因此需要用语言去展现这一切。建议小学阶段的英语考生可以多采用唱英文歌并配合一定的舞蹈的方式来导课,会让考官眼前一亮。初中英语可以鼓励学生进行角色扮演,注意表情手势和自己的评价语言,会抓住考官的眼球。高中英语,由于学生已经有了一定的语言积累,因此可以独立完成一些任务,可以采用交际法,提出一个话题,让学生展开讨论,自己总结归纳,引入主题,还可以让学生提前准备与新课相关的资料,然后以“report”的形式在课前展现,这些方式都需要以一定的表现力和语言流畅度为前提,否则效果大打折扣。

Ⅸ 小学英语教师资格证面试要全英文的么


全英试讲能够给考官最直观的感受,是最能体现个人专业魅力的方式,能全英文最好全英文。 需须明确的一点是英语专业的考生采用全英试讲最能打动、吸引考官。英语是一门语言,学习英语最重要的目的就是沟通交流,因此教师的语言水平是否扎实是非常关键的。









6.由申请人工作单位或者其户籍所在地乡(镇) *** 或街道办事处提供的《申请人思想品德鉴定表》。




Ⅹ 教师资格证试讲小学英语面试时会提问什么问题

面试包括结构化问题+试讲+答辩 1.回答结构化题:考官从题库中随机抽取2个规定问题,考生回答,时间5分钟。 例题: 1.学校把提高学生成绩作为首要目标,对不对? 【答】第一,这种说法不对,应该全面发展。第二,原因。第三,全面发展的对策。第四,本学段学科的全面发展如何体现。 2.上课把学生名字念错了,怎么办? 【答】第一,保持镇定。第二,及时请教本人或班干部正确读法并表示道歉。第三,下次点名时认真看名单,保证会读的字正确读出,不会读的名字暂时不读,点完全班后再问哪个同学没有被点到,趁机明白其正确发音是什么。第四,今后在课前要认真研读名单,不认识的生僻字及时注音。 2.试讲(模拟上课):考生按照准备的教案(或活动方案)进行试讲,时间10分钟。 模拟下面有学生上课,要多和学生互动,提问问题,自问自答,一般考官不会回答你的问题。 3.答辩:考官围绕考生试讲内容和测试项目进行提问,考生答辩,时间5分钟。 面试是选优录取,按照比例,从高分到低分录取。主要考核申请人的职业道德、心理素质、仪表仪态、言语表达、思维品质等教师基本素养和教学设计、教学实施、教学评价等教学基本技能。


一 求一篇教师资格证说课时自我介绍的稿子 初中的 英文 你好,中公教师考试网很高兴为您解答,此外还有很多各专级英语说课稿、指导 一、说教材(教材分析) Analyzing teaching material 1. 说课型 lesson type (Dialogue/ reading/ listening/ revision) 2. 本课在教材中的地位 status and function Lesson 33 Saving the Earth is a dialogue. The lesson is focused on the topic of the problems of the earth and the functional items of Supposition/ Intentions/ conjecture/ Prohibition. Since it is a dialogue / reading. It’s helpful to improve the Ss municative/ reading ability. 3. 说教学指导思想 teaching guideline (Teaching syllabus: Language is for munication, develop their four skills, lay special emphasis on reading; Grellet put it well in his book developing reading skills: develop reading skill/ discourse *** ysis; get them to understand the western culture better; improve the ability to discover, *** yze & solve the problems; Reading is for information, for fun; Use Top- down model or Bottom- up model to activate Ss schemata; Interactive model) 4. 说教学目标和要求 Teaching aims and demands (…be intended for Ss in key schools) 1)认知目标 knowledge objects a. Enable the Ss to remember the following new words & phrases: Damage, lecture, pollute, pollution, room, standing room, be fit for, hear about, turn into b. Get the Ss to be familiar with this sentence pattern: If the population keeps growing so quickly, there will only be standing room left… Give the Ss a reinforced practice on the functional item Supposition. c. Activate Ss schemata regarding the topic of pollution and help Ss to know more about the problem of pollution. 2)智能目标 ability objects a. Ask the Ss to make up a similar dialogue. b. Help them to understand the dialogue better and improve the four skills. c. Develop their ability of thinking independently. d. Cultivate their ability to discover, *** yze and solve problems. e. Train them to collect information from the Inter. f. Train them with some effective learning methods to optimize Ss’ learning results. 3)德育目标 moral objects a. Arouse their interest in learning English; b. Help them to understand the background of pollution. c. Enable the students to love our earth and the nature. d. Be aware of the importance of stopping pollution & protecting out environment. e. Encourage the Ss to do something to save the earth. 5. 说教学重点 teaching important points (生词、句型;培养阅读技能) a. New words and phrases b. Sentence pattern: If- clause c. improve their reading skills. d. Talking about problems of the Earth. 6. 说教学难点 teaching difficult points (语法;发展交际能力) a. functional item: Supposition. b. Develop their municative ability. Act out their own dialogue. 7. 说教具 teaching aids (multi-media puter, sofare, OHP) The teaching syllabus says that it’s necessary for teachers to use modern teaching facilities. It’s of great help to increase the class density and improve our teaching result. It can also make the Ss reach a better understanding of the text by making the classes lively and interesting. At the same time, it arouses the Ss’ interest in learning English. 二、说教法 Teaching methods Five step method; audio-video; municative approach; Task-based learning: New Syllabus Design encourages teachers to use this teaching method. TBLT can stimulate Ss’ initiative in learning and develop their ability in language application. Make the Ss the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as the director and bring their ability into full play. 三、说学法 Study methods 1. Teach Ss how to be successful language learners. 2. Teach Ss how to develop the reading skill — skim & scan; how to municate with others; how to learn new words; how to learn independently; 3. Get the Ss to form good learning habits. 四、说教学过程Teaching proceres I. 复习 (Revision) 5min (Daily report; 词汇diagram; brainstorming; activate schemata) Activity 1: Imagination 1). Suppose a bottle of ink is turned over and dirties your white shirt, what is to be done? (Wash it? Or throw it away?) 2). Suppose you catch a bad cold, what’s to be done? 3). Suppose your bike is broken, what’s to be done? 4). And suppose the earth, on which we all live, is damaged, what’s to be done? * What can you think of when you see “pollution” this word?(waste, environment, air, water, factory, desert, climate... Try to activate the Ss schemata regarding the topic of pollution.) II. 呈现 (Presentation) 5min Activity 2: Presentation Play the song “Earth Song” sung by Michael Jackson. (Create an atmosphere) A lot of pictures and video clips about the causes and results of the three problems mentioned in this lesson will be shown on the screen with the help of the puter. Ss’ presentation on pollution. Attract their attention, arouse their interest, and create a good atmosphere for munication. * Activate their schemata and cultivate their ability in collecting information from the Inter and develop their ability in thinking independently. III. 对话 / 阅读 (Dialogue)18m 1. Pre- reading Activity 3: Prediction 1st listening/ fast reading, one guided Q to help Ss to get the main idea: What do you think is discussed at the conference? 2. While- reading Activity 4: Read and answer 2nd listening/ careful reading, more Qs to get the detailed information. Develop their reading skills: skim & scan. Pay attention to the pronunciation, stress & intonation. * 阅读: Pre-reading; while-reading; post-reading (fast reading/ careful reading; skim/ scan; 识别关键词key words;确定主题句;创设信息差information gap;T or F; 填表格chart/diagram; Predicting; Make a timeline; Make a story map。达到对课文的整体理解和掌握。So that they can have a good understanding of the whole text.) 3. Post- reading Activity 5: Language focus While Ss are answering the Qs, the teacher deals with some key language points. a. is being caused b. and so on c. go on doing d. be fit for e. standing room f. if- clause IV. 操练 (Practice) 10m Activity 6: Retell Use your own words to retell the dialogue in the 3rd person. Activity 7: Acting out Activity 8: Drill – Supposition Purpose: Practise the functional item of Supposition. (P. 33 Part 2; P.113, wb Ex. 3) (Retell; act out; role play) V. 巩固 (Consolidation) 6m (Discussion; interview; press conference; debate; quiz) Activity 9: role play Suppose you were head of a village, scientist, journalist and villager, make up a conversation and ask several groups to demonstrate in front of the class. * The Ss are encouraged to use the words and expression_r_rs like pollution, damage, be fit for, turn into, the if- clause, etc. Activity 10: Discussion Think of the question: Are we causing damage to the world? What should we do to save the earth and protect our environment especially in our daily life? Collect their answers and form a report. VI. 作业 (Homework) 1m (Writing; continue the story; recite; retell) Write a letter to the mayor, telling him sth. about the pollution around your school. 二 教师资格证小学英语面试自我介绍要用英语吗 教师资格证我刚考过,不过考的是数学,自我介绍很简单的就可以,最好不要超过两分钟。不能说自己的名字,说自己是第几组第几号就可以了,你自己用英语组织下吧,希望我的回答对你有用 三 教师资格证面试考试怎么用英语做自我介绍 自我介绍相信大家应该都会吧,自我介绍在教师资格证面试考试的时候也会遇到的,中文的自我介绍大家都会,那么英文的自我介绍,大家都知道如何去做吗,下面我就来给大家讲一下教师资格证面试如何做英文自我介绍?General IntroctionI am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China. With tremendous interest in Instrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.D. graate program.Ecation backgroundIn 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science & Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the China’s best engineering schools. During the following undergraate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester, and my overall GPA(89.5/100) ranked No.1 among 113 students. In 1999, I got the privilege to enter the graate program waived of the admission test. I selected the Shanghai Jiao Tong University to continue my study for its best reputation on Combinatorial Optimization and Neork Scheling where my research interest lies.At the period of my graate study, my overall GPA(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department. In the second semester, I became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. This year, I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university. Presently, I am preparing my graation thesis and trying for the honor of Excellent Graation Thesis.Research experience and academic activityWhen a sophomore, I joined the Association of AI Enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research. In 1997, I participated in simulation tool development for the scheling system in Prof. Wang’s lab. With the tool of OpenGL and Matlab, I designed a simulation program for transportation scheling system. It is now widely used by different research groups in NUST. In 1998, I assumed and fulfilled a sewage *** ysis & dispose project for Nanjing sewage treatment plant. This was my first practice to convert a laboratory idea to a mercial proct.In 1999, I joined the distinguished Professor Yu-Geng Xis research group aiming at Neork flow problem solving and Heuristic algorithm research. Soon I was engaged in the FuDan Gene Database Design. My ty was to pick up the useful information among different kinds of gene matching format. Through the parison and *** ysis for many heuristic algorithms, I introced an improved evolutionary algorithm -- Multi-population Geic Algorithm. By dividing a whole population into several sub-populations, this improved algorithm can effectively prevent GA from local convergence and promote various evolutionary orientations. It proved more efficiently than SGA in experiments, too. In the second semester, I joined the workshop-scheling research in Shanghai Heavy Duty Tyre plant. The scheling was designed for the rubber-making process that covered not only discrete but also continuous circumstances. To make a balance point beeen optimization quality and time cost, I proposed a Dynamic Layered Scheling method based on hybrid Petri Nets. The practical application showed that the average makespan was shortened by a large scale. I also publicized o papers in core journals with this idea. Recently, I am doing research in the Composite Predict of the Electrical Power system assiste 四 教师资格证小学英语面试自我介绍要用英语吗 自我介绍可以用英复语简单说下制,正式试讲的时候,就不需要全英了,因为毕竟是小学,正式上课的时候和小学生全英教学,学生也不一定可以听懂,所以这个英语可以酌情。建议您可以登录中公教育网关注教师类考试信息,祝您备考成功!有帮助望采纳~~~ 五 请帮忙简单写下3分钟的教师资格初中英语面试的自我介绍,是不是要说下对教师职业的热爱啊。 自我介绍 大家好,我叫...,来自钦州,我很高兴能在这里与大家认识,我是纺织工业学校的一名学生,我的专业是针织,我很荣幸能参加集训营,我参加集训营是因为我喜欢英语,我希望在集训营里学到的用在我以后的工作中,并开始我的职业生涯。因为我坚信将在很多领域都需要英语。 我的英语很差这就是我为什么在这里和大家一起学习,我知道我拿下英语将是一个巨大的挑战,但我坚信,“宝剑锋从磨出,梅花香自苦寒来”,坚持就是胜利,希望就在今后的学习中请大家多多指教,谢谢! Self-introction Hello everyone! My is......, from Qinzhou. I’m so glad to meet you, and I’m currently a student at Guangxi Textile Instrial School. my major is knitting. It’s my pleasure to join the CHAMPION training camp, because I love English and I hope I can learn something in the training for my future work. As we all know English is very useful in every field. My English is limited that’s why I’m here. I know it’s a huge challenge for me to conquer English, but I believe that “No pains, no gains, success belongs to the persevering”, I hope I can learn more from you, Thank you! 六 教师资格证英文自我介绍怎么说 The teacher qualification certificate (教师资格证) I got the teacher qualification certificate in 2007. (2007年,我获得了教师资格证。) 一楼的英文自我介绍开头和结尾都版是不错的,楼主可以借来一权用。内容不同的可以稍微改动一下!希望能够对楼主有帮助,祝君好运! 七 英语教师资格证面试自我介绍要说英文吗 英语教师资格证的面试,英语口语是必备的。建议的可以事前准备一篇英文自我介专绍的稿子,牢背并且锻炼发音。属在面试试讲过程中,可以全英教学最好,不可以的话就自己给自己设计一些通用的词汇啊什么的,练好发音。祝你面试成功 八 教师资格考试英文自我介绍 您好,中公教育为您服务。参考范文: I am actually a native of this city and entered xxx university after I passed the higher ecational entrance test. That is why I love this piece of land and want to make contribution for my hometown.I have been working hard as a student and a part-time teacher. Sometimes friends ask me whether I'm a tireless person. Of course I am not. But I just like that sense of fulfillment and acplishment. I enjoy the alternative roles: being an English teacher and a student at the same time. In my class, I encourage students to voice their opinions and to approach English study in their unique ways, because I believe study is a personalized process. Last week when I gave them the first class of this semester, I said,"everyone should bee a critical thinker in my class, and I want to be a good teacher in its real sense". I'm not the traditional teacher. I try to reform the English teaching in my classes. Hope I can do something to change the present situation of English teaching. 如有疑问,欢迎向中公教育企业知道提问。 九 教师资格证面试考试怎么用英语做自我介绍 英语学科的答辩环节通常会问到的方向为教学设计以及部分专业知识,而且大部分地区要求全英文回答,所以考生一定要学会随机应变,灵活处理问题,听到不要紧张,考前一定多加练习。 一般而言,教学设计方面会涉及到的问题多与试讲的环节相关,如 Why do you tell students this class is a writing lesson at the beginning? (为什么在上课开始就要跟学生讲我们这一节课是写作课?),What’s your teaching difficult point? (你这节课的教学难点是什么?)在回答教学设计相关问题时考生需快速回忆试讲内容,一定要思考两三秒钟组织好语言再进行回答。 例:Why do you tell students this class is a writing lesson at the beginning? At the beginning of the class, I announced the lesson type and the main purpose. Students can better understand the main task of this lesson in this way. And this is an application of task-based-teaching-method. Students can finish those following tasks consciously. That benefits for their learning while finishing the tasks. 英语专业知识的相关问题多与试讲知识点或在试讲过程中出现的语法错误相关,如Please talk about your understanding of sense group。(请谈谈什么是意群。)Please make a sentence with the phrase ‘grow up’.(请用grow up造句。)在回答专业知识问题,考生没有捷径可循,考前要多复习英语专业知识。 例:Please talk about your understanding of sense group。 According to the meanings and grammatical structure, a sentence can be divided into several *** all pieces, each a *** all section is called a sense group. Sense group can be a word, a phrase, also can be some short sentences or the clause in a plex sentence.

什么是答辩? 教师资格证统考面试答辩环节是考官根据考生前15分钟的表现(5分钟结构化面试+10分钟试讲或演示),对考生教案设计各个环节(核心内容)或是关于教师职业理念的追问。 答辩测评标准 答辩环节主要测查考生的以下素养:语言表达能力、逻辑思维能力、是否具备良好的心理素养、人际交往能力以及对教案设计的解读能力。 1.良好的心理素质:由于答辩的不可预期性很强,考生由于事先并无准备,而又要求在短时间内作答,对考生的心理素质是一个考验。 2.语言表达和逻辑思维能力:语言表达和逻辑思维能力贯穿在面试的始终,而答辩环节其实质类似“聊天”,考生能否在短时间内组织自己的语言并有逻辑地清晰的表达自己的观点就变得尤为重要。 3.人际交往能力:答辩就是与考官进行互动,如果考生在答辩过程中能够创造和考官互动的良好气氛,效果更佳。4.对教案的解读能力:在答辩中考官必然会问到考生在10分钟试讲中出现的问题或漏洞,以及考官对考生试讲的某个部分有疑虑,需要考生进一步解释。如果考生的教案流于形式和模板,在这个环节很容易被考官发现,影响自己的最终得分。 中小学教师资格证考试面试 答辩套路解析 答辩时语言要简短、清楚、准确、流畅 面试时间通常是很短的,因此,考生必须在回答问题时简短、清楚、明确。 自己要掌握好回答一个问题的时间,要留给其他的考官问问题的时间。 假如问到你不会的问题,也千万不要只说“我不会”会”或“我不知道”,你要回答:“我对这方面涉猎较少,所以如果有错误的地方,希望各位老师给我指导,我对这个问题的看法是……”至少给人的印象是你反应灵活,或是你的可塑性很强,你愿意在不足之处加以学习成长,至少你是谦虚的。 假如问到你能力不及的地方,千万不要说你做不到,你可以说“我对这方面涉猎不多,但是如果有机会的话,我很愿意去学习这方面的有关知识”,而不是漫无边际地瞎扯。 应该事先排练一下如何回答考官习惯问的问题。在回答问题时可以主动要求多谈一些,但回答不要太教条、太死板。 抓住适当的机会,告诉考官你有哪些经验和能力,简洁地谈谈你过去做出的成绩。 尤其是和做教师有关的经验,更需要在这个机会中讲出来。 当然,在讲述过程中要言而有据,不可过度膨胀,也不可以夸大事实。 针对考生专业教学进行提问 1、基本信息类 如实作答即可,如实向考官反应你的真实情况。在反应真实情况之下可以带两句自己从教的意愿来向考官表明自己的意向。 2、专业基础知识 这类问题也需要考生运用自身的知识储备来进行作答。如果考生对该知识有一定的认识那么即可自如作答,如果考生对考官所问的问题并不知晓,那倒不如谦虚一些,虚心接受考官的建议,同时表明自己在这一块知识的欠缺,最后传递自身会加强自我的提高和夯实,积累知识。 3、课程设计类 此类问题回答的依据来源于你的教学设计,所以需要我们考生在备考的时候快速熟悉自己的教案,当考官问到课程设计类的题目可以从教案中很快提取,回答的思路:教学设计是什么和设计的依据。即可以用说课的思路来进行回答:是什么+为什么。 4、教学实施类 这类的问题更多的是考官要你再现你的教学过程来判断你的教学实施是否得当。所以回答的思路即:回顾教学环节+重现教学过程+反思/解释。 5、教学反思类 教学反思类的问题,实事求是,重点谈自己在教学过程中的优点,但是不可以避讳缺点,在谈缺点的同时要附上改进意见方才完整。 6、专业教学论 这类问题可以按照教育学的理论进行作答,也可以给予教学实际来进行作答。 针对考生个人信息进行提问 【解题思路】本类题型主要通过询问一些关于生活、学习、工作等方面的内容了解大家。 真题中出现过“哪个学校毕业的?学的什么专业?”、“有没有从事过教育相关的工作?”、“家里有人当老师吗?”、“有没有组织活动的经历?”等内容。 回答时应注意态度诚恳+答题内容与教育相关+如实相告。比如“家里有人当老师吗?”,实事求是。 可说明家里人或求学阶段的老师对你的教育观、教师观有什么良好的影响,再讲述一下未来的职业规划。 一、教师面试名言警句 二、天津市中小学教师资格考试面试报名入口:ntcebm1.neea.edu.cn/apply 三、2020年教师资格证面试自我介绍 四、2020年幼儿教师资格证面试自我介绍 五、2020年小学教师资格证面试自我介绍 六、2020年英语教师资格证面试自我介绍 七、2020年高校教师资格证面试自我介绍 八、2020年小学英语教师资格证面试自我介绍 九、2021年教师3分钟面试自我介绍范文 十、2021年英语教师面试自我介绍优秀范文 【典型例题】 请谈谈你为什么选择从事教师这个职业? 【参考答案】 我一直向往教师这个职业,尤其是羡慕和崇拜我的小学老师。在同学们还在为不知选择什么工作而犹豫时,我就已经有了要当老师的明确目标: 首先,儿时的教学游戏萌发了我对教师的喜爱。在“上课”游戏中,大家分角色扮演,有“老师”、有“学生”,我们精心布置“教室”,准备“教具”,一场生动的“课堂”就组建好了。每一次游戏都让我对“教学”更加感兴趣。 其次,大学期间所学的专业为我成为教师提供了理论基础和实践经验。在学习期间,老师经常组织“模拟教学”,我是活动参与的积极分子,从那时起,我就可以自如地当众讲话了。这种活动模式,也为我实习时的备课、讲课打下了坚实基础,学生们对我的喜爱和尊敬,让我体会到作一名老师的责任与幸福。 教育对国家发展的重要性让我深感教师职业的价值。教育是立国之本,兴邦之道。而好的教育离不开好的教师。只有更多品德高尚、业务精湛、充满活力的高素质人才加入到教师队伍中来,才能使教育事业兴旺发达,发挥其应有的强大作用。 我知道,当老师之前要认真准备,当上老师之后要认真对待。我会不断地提升自己的职业素养,通过向霍懋征等老师的学习树立起自己正确的教育理念;通过教学实践来提高自己的教育教学技能;通过不断学习、研讨,充实自己的知识储备。 ;

Ⅰ 《教师资格证》考试:“小学英语面试时”会提问什么问题

面试包括抄结构化问题+试讲+答辩 1.回答结构化题:考官从题库中随机抽取2个规定问题,考生回答,时间5分钟。 例题: 1.学校把提高学生成绩作为首要目标,对不对? 【答】第一,这种说法不对,应该全面发展。第二,原因。第三,全面发展的对策。第四,本学段学科的全面发展如何体现。 2.上课把学生名字念错了,怎么办? 【答】第一,保持镇定。第二,及时请教本人或班干部正确读法并表示道歉。第三,下次点名时认真看名单,保证会读的字正确读出,不会读的名字暂时不读,点完全班后再问哪个同学没有被点到,趁机明白其正确发音是什么。第四,今后在课前要认真研读名单,不认识的生僻字及时注音。 2.试讲(模拟上课):考生按照准备的教案(或活动方案)进行试讲,时间10分钟。 模拟下面有学生上课,要多和学生互动,提问问题,自问自答,一般考官不会回答你的问题。 3.答辩:考官围绕考生试讲内容和测试项目进行提问,考生答辩,时间5分钟。 面试是选优录取,按照比例,从高分到低分录取。主要考核申请人的职业道德、心理素质、仪表仪态、言语表达、思维品质等教师基本素养和教学设计、教学实施、教学评价等教学基本技能。

Ⅱ 小学英语教师资格证面试容易过吗


Ⅲ 小学英语教师资格证面试抽题都是什么题型啊,单词句子还是小对话有考过的么













Ⅳ 考小学英语教师资格证面试难面试好不好过,以后教英语如何


Ⅳ 求教小学英语教师资格证面试怎么准备

小学英语教师资格面试想要出彩,胜在活动的丰富性和趣味性,符合该阶段的学生特点,体现在具体课型的设计上就尤为重要。纵观搜集到的真题类型,占比重较大的就是词汇课型,我们就以词汇课型为例,给大家梳理下教学过程的设计。 词汇课时属于语言知识范畴的,所以重点应该着眼于词汇的讲解和运用上,也就是新课呈现的环节,而我们的教学四部曲为Warming-up, presentation, consolidation, summary and homework,即在新课之前还有个导入环节。俗话说,好的开始是成功的一半,除了在外在仪表仪态上给人舒适感,我们也要将首因效应发挥到最大化,那就是导入(尽量控制在1min30s)的设计。导入的方法推崇设置情景法,图片、音乐、视频都可选择。例如:Spring Festival这篇词汇讲解,最贴切的就是Happy new year这首歌,既可以活跃课堂气氛也能导出今天的课题,但是一个注意点是大家在运用这类型导入方法的时候,需要让学生们带着问题去欣赏图片、音乐、视频,这样接下来一个问题的提出学生给出反馈后即可引出课题。 新课教学(Presentation)部分,的方法就是图片法,尤其在我们给出的词汇大多数是名词的情况下,最为方便也最好使用,借助图片问学生what’s this?Do you know?一个接一个呈现出单词并写在黑板上,通过拼读领读等方式强化学生对新单词的音像。呈现过程中几个亮点设置:①互动多样化,时刻注意评价方式的丰富性和评价语言的魅力型,多以鼓励为主,例如nice pronunciation/you’re my boy/so clever/I’m proud of you and so on;②将单词和学生的兴趣特点生活等方面巧妙联系起来,例如食物中的ice-cream, do you like ice-cream? Yes, I love too, it tastes sweet and cool, right? But remember do not eat too many in a day in case of stomachache, ok? Good guys! 巩固拓展(Consolidation)环节,游戏是最适合小学课堂的方式,让学生们在学中玩玩中学。开展游戏的时候要注意游戏规则描述清楚,语言精练且具有合理性,符合小学生的心理和生理特点,毕竟十分钟时间时间有限。 小结作业(Summary and Homework),小结常见的方式要么是老师自己总结,或者请学生来总结亦或师生共同总结当这节课的知识点较多或复杂的时候;留出的作业以后头作业居多,多联系生活实际,在家长的帮助下完成,学会运用都可。 最后提醒各位考生,英语教师资格面试有三大隐含要求分别是全英试讲,10分钟之内完成以及呈现板书,在我们呈现板书的时候适当添加彩色粉笔、简笔画等容易引起小学生注意的元素,给你的试讲增添亮色。成竹准备,自然应考,就能发挥出最佳的状态!

Ⅵ 小学英语教师资格证面试应注意什么

英语学科10分钟试讲主要包括四个部分:新课导入、新课的讲授与呈现、巩固拓展和小结作业。这四个部分环环相扣,只有安排合理得当,做到 “凤头—猪肚—豹尾”,试讲才可脱颖而出。我们可以从以下几个方面来讲。 一、流利清晰地表达 最后,英语面试试讲毋庸置疑需要全英进行,流利清晰、大方自然的表达则是对英语考生最基本的要求,能有起有伏地讲,有一口标准的口语是最能博得考官欣赏的技巧之一,考生须在考试前多进行朗读训练,从而能更快地进行英语试讲的练习。 二、精心明确的设计 做到了“凤头—猪肚—豹尾”,我们还要在细节上注意,让考官更加注意到我们的用心,这就是板书设计。板书设计一定要注意针对性、高度的概括性以及逻辑性,小学生的课堂则更加注意趣味性,所以考生要把握课题内容,在备课时有个整体的构思。 三、新颖生动的开场 所谓“凤头”即新颖靓丽、直击主题的导入,它能从一开始就吸引住考官的眼球,取得良好的印象。考生们需要开动脑筋,尽量避免比较通俗的导入方法,比如复习式,应多利用先进的教学设施展开设置情境式热门方法,例如用音乐、儿歌等方法引入新课,同时也可模仿利用多媒体展示出多彩的内容进行新课的导入。 四、充实丰富的内容 “猪肚”则是面试当中占用时间最长的部分—新课的讲授与巩固拓展,要做到充实丰富。首先,考生需要明确考题要求,在试讲过程中不可遗漏任何知识点。其次,注意联系生活,将枯燥乏味的知识内容生动的呈现在学生面前,比如在讲解高中有关于英语语言的阅读课,可以讲一讲世界上的其他语言,或者听一听优美的英文诗歌,让同学们真实的感受英语等等。最后,在巩固拓展部分考生一定要利用自己的优势,选择适合自己的方法,带学生跳出课本,真正的运用本节课所学的知识内容进行巩固与拓展,例如小学词汇课授之后,可以将词汇编成chant带学生们练习,既巩固了新知,又活跃了气氛,更给考官展示出自己的才能。 五、有意义性的结尾 在所有知识内容讲解完毕后,考生要记住总结本课的内容并留作业,虽然此环节只占一分钟左右,但要注意作业切不可老套繁冗,尽量联系下节课的知识内容或多让学生动手动脑应用新知,比如上网搜集的任务、画图等作业,要让试讲的最后变成“豹尾”,而不是狗尾续貂,这样一堂课才能够前后呼应,达到余音绕梁的效果。

Ⅶ 教师资格证考试小学英语面试问题

1、面试不要求全英,但对单词的读音必须准确、规范。 2、如果主考没有提自我介绍的问题,不需要自我介绍,试讲和说课不一样,说课必须有说自己,而试讲完全没有必要说自己。 3、面试的科目要求与自己的学历专业对口或基本对口,如果不对口,报名时就会被拒。

Ⅷ 教师资格面试:小学英语教案要全英文写吗,面试进去


首先,需须明确的一点是英语专业的考生采用全英试讲最能打动、吸引考官。英语是一门语言,学习英语最重要的目的就是沟通交流,因此教师的语言水平是否扎实是非常关键的。其次,需须做到语言的流畅,英语口语与书面语有所不同,简单却能表达最清晰的意义,但需要正确把握语音语调。因此,为了使英语流畅、动听就需须熟悉多种课堂日常用语,灵活运用,切记一直重复一种表达方法,尤其是在于学生互动的时候,要准备好不同的表扬和评价方式,彰显你自如灵活的语言运用能力。英语尤其固有的特点,它的动听体现在不同的语音语调可以表达不同的含义和感 *** 彩,因此考生一定要注意适时的停顿和变换语调,疑问句、陈述句和感叹句等都区分开来。最后,需要注意的是语音语调把握了还不够,还需要表情的完美结合,也就是说得有相应的表情变化,体现出高低起伏,让考官倍感生动,亲切。


英语试讲中的导课比其他科目更能让人眼前一亮,开头语都可以设置非常有新意,不仅可以直接说,还可以唱,例如在与学生打招呼环节“good morning to you, good morning to you, good morning dear students good morning to you… ”采用生日歌的曲调,令考官再熟悉中感受不同的味道。最能创造亮点的地方就在于导课,我们可以采用“warming up 和lead in”,有讲故事、听音乐、看视频、讲故事,讲笑话,角色扮演等方式。因为真是的考场是没有学生在场的,我们需要自己营造一种欢快的氛围,因此采用多媒体导课的方式,不太能体现出自己的特色,因此需要用语言去展现这一切。建议小学阶段的英语考生可以多采用唱英文歌并配合一定的舞蹈的方式来导课,会让考官眼前一亮。初中英语可以鼓励学生进行角色扮演,注意表情手势和自己的评价语言,会抓住考官的眼球。高中英语,由于学生已经有了一定的语言积累,因此可以独立完成一些任务,可以采用交际法,提出一个话题,让学生展开讨论,自己总结归纳,引入主题,还可以让学生提前准备与新课相关的资料,然后以“report”的形式在课前展现,这些方式都需要以一定的表现力和语言流畅度为前提,否则效果大打折扣。

Ⅸ 小学英语教师资格证面试要全英文的么


全英试讲能够给考官最直观的感受,是最能体现个人专业魅力的方式,能全英文最好全英文。 需须明确的一点是英语专业的考生采用全英试讲最能打动、吸引考官。英语是一门语言,学习英语最重要的目的就是沟通交流,因此教师的语言水平是否扎实是非常关键的。









6.由申请人工作单位或者其户籍所在地乡(镇) *** 或街道办事处提供的《申请人思想品德鉴定表》。




Ⅹ 教师资格证试讲小学英语面试时会提问什么问题

面试包括结构化问题+试讲+答辩 1.回答结构化题:考官从题库中随机抽取2个规定问题,考生回答,时间5分钟。 例题: 1.学校把提高学生成绩作为首要目标,对不对? 【答】第一,这种说法不对,应该全面发展。第二,原因。第三,全面发展的对策。第四,本学段学科的全面发展如何体现。 2.上课把学生名字念错了,怎么办? 【答】第一,保持镇定。第二,及时请教本人或班干部正确读法并表示道歉。第三,下次点名时认真看名单,保证会读的字正确读出,不会读的名字暂时不读,点完全班后再问哪个同学没有被点到,趁机明白其正确发音是什么。第四,今后在课前要认真研读名单,不认识的生僻字及时注音。 2.试讲(模拟上课):考生按照准备的教案(或活动方案)进行试讲,时间10分钟。 模拟下面有学生上课,要多和学生互动,提问问题,自问自答,一般考官不会回答你的问题。 3.答辩:考官围绕考生试讲内容和测试项目进行提问,考生答辩,时间5分钟。 面试是选优录取,按照比例,从高分到低分录取。主要考核申请人的职业道德、心理素质、仪表仪态、言语表达、思维品质等教师基本素养和教学设计、教学实施、教学评价等教学基本技能。


词汇句型篇导入1.Everybody, now let's play a guessing game.2.Imagine you're trapped in a loney island, you can only choose one thing with you,which one would you like to choose?A. a lot of money B. some water C. a map3.sing a song and ask questions about this song. (导入环节0.5—1.5分钟)如:以课题What are you doing?导入为例:教师可以现场做一个动作,比如唱歌的动作,然后问学生Class,what am I doing?(Singing.)Great.Today we are going to learn”What are you doing? (此处在黑板上板书课题)导入话题之后开始讲解知识点:——5分钟左右新授导入的句子写黑板上(创设情景/举例子),然后带领学生读这几个句子,每个句子读一遍展示一下过程即可。如:look at me again.What am I doing?(You are reading a book.) Another one.Now I will ask one student to come here and show teh guesture to the class. Who wants to try?Coco,please.What is Coco doing?(She is swimming.)Now read after me. (带领学生把黑板上板书的句子读一遍,建议教师只需读一遍展示一下即可)操练部分1.可以给出情景,两人一组练习对话;2.老师举例子,其他同学模仿练习——2分钟左右。然后老师叫一两组同学来展示一下刚刚的练习。如:Now,I will ask some students to come here and show some guestures.One shows and the others guess and say sentences. Anyone from Superman?Tom,please.Running man,what is Tom Doing?Amanda,you please.(He is jumping.)Both of you get one point.The last chance for Superman.I will choose the one whose hand is the highest.Sarah.What is Sarah doing?(Superman:She is dancing.)复习环节:一般用于讲完内容的时候复习的时候注意不是老师来总结,而是引导学生来说在这节课学到什么内容。Let’s review what we have learned today.What’s it?Do you remember……?——1分钟作业布置——0.5分钟1.课本第几页练习题(commom,不建议)。2.设置和本章相关的创造性作业。如:After class,please make a telephone call to your good friend.Ask him/her”What is your father/mother doing?”3.Listen to a ……song(与本堂课知识相关的歌曲)。评小组输赢:——0.5分钟Let's see who is the winner today.Superman,5 points.Running man,4 points.Superman is the winner.Congratulations.But Runningman also did a very good job.Give all of you applause.Class is over.See you.语音篇导入:设置的导入问题,要与题目要求中要教授的重点单词语音保持一致如:Colour song的导入:Class,which colour do you like best?Who can tell me?……Today we will learn a new song:Colour song.(导入环节0.5-1.5分钟)引出话题之后开始进入听歌和学唱环节:——5分钟左右新授(1)老师先播放一次歌曲:First,let's listen to the song.(2)然后带领学生一句句认歌词学唱:Now,please look at the fiest sentence.教师教唱每个句子之前,先在黑板上板书这一句歌词,然后教唱,以此类推。如教师不会唱本句,直接说一句Please sing after me,稍作停顿1-2秒做一个教唱的环节展示即可。(3)教师板书每个句子的时候,如果句中出现要求重点教授的单词语音,就要着重让学生注意,可以标记下划线,并且把这类单词挑出来带领学生读。如:Class,please pay attention to the words about colour.Now read after me……(4)最后集体合唱一次:Class,now let's sing this song together.One,two,three,go.操练部分教师给出不同颜色的卡片,请学生抢答对应颜色的英文名称,答对一个加1分,两个小组竞赛得分:Next,I will show you some cards about diffrent colours.Please tell me the right colour in English.——2分钟左右复习环节:一般用于讲完内容的时候复习的时候注意不是老师来总结,而是引导学生来说在这节课学到什么内容。语音课可以先让学生复习一下课题是什么,然后复习当堂重点讲解的单词语音,也就是单词的读法,可以老师带头,让学生把这些重点单词按照板书的顺序进行朗读。Let’s review what we have learned today.What’s it?Do you remember……?——1分钟作业布置——0.5分钟课后把这首歌唱给自己的家人或者朋友听,把今天学到的颜色的英文表达说给自己的父母或者朋友听:After class,please sing Colour song to your good friend or family members and tell them the new words about colour.评小组输赢:——0.5分钟Let's see who is the winner today.Superman,5 points.Running man,4 points.Superman is the winner.Congratulations.But Runningman also did a very good job.Give all of you applause.Class is over.See you.游戏篇导入:设置的导入问题,要与题目中的内容保持一致如:关于交通工具的导入:Class,how do you come to school every day?Who can tell me?……Today we will learn different ways to go to places.(导入环节0.5-1.5分钟)引出话题之后开始进入教学环节新授教师通过发问,引导学生回答问题,并且板书相应的句子。如:Lily,how do you come to schllo today?(By bus.)Where do you travel?(Beijing.)How do you go to Beijing?(By plane.)操练部分(1)教师给出不同交通工具的卡片,请学生抢答对应工具的英文名称,答对一个加1分,两个小组竞赛得分(此处可根据实际时间练习2~3个):Now,I will show you different pictures about ways of going to places.Please tell me the right answer in English.(2)第二个游戏环节可以根据实际课堂时间情况选择加入与否。这个游戏环节是,老师用英文描述交通工具的特征,让学生抢答猜是哪种交通工具。如:Next,I will describe a way of going to places.Please listen to me and guess what it is.It has no wheels and walks in water.(Ship.)Wonderful,you are so clever.I will give you one point.(以此类推,试时间情况练习2个即可)复习环节:一般用于讲完内容的时候复习的时候注意不是老师来总结,而是引导学生来说在这节课学到什么内容。Let’s review what we have learned today.What’s it?Do you remember……?——1分钟作业布置——0.5分钟课后找五位好朋友及你的家人,询问他们上班或上学的交通方式,记录下来明天和全班同学分享。评小组输赢——0.5分钟Let's see who is the winner today.Superman,5 points.Running man,4 points.Superman is the winner.Congratulations.But Runningman also did a very good job.Give all of you applause.Class is over.See you.写作篇导入:设置的导入问题,要与题目中的内容保持一致如:关于业余爱好的导入:Class,what do you like to do in your part-time?Who can tell me?……Today we will learn a letter about hobbies.(导入环节0.5-1.5分钟)引出话题之后开始进入教学环节新授教师先给学生2分钟左右时间,让学生把文段阅读一遍,并且思考相应问题。如:Now I will give you two minutes.Please read the letter carefully and find the answers to the questions.I will write the questiona on the blackboard.Q1:What is the writer's hobby?Q2:How does the writer feel?学生阅读结束后,教师点学生回答以上两个问题,在黑板上板书答案。操练部分(1)教师提问,学生回答问题:What's your hobby?How do you feel?教师把问题和学生给出的答案对应写在黑板上。新授和操练部分的板书内容,可以并排板书在黑板上,把问题和答案都形成对比,便于学生仿照句子回复信件内容。(2)让学生根据所讲知识以及自己的实际情况,回复信件:Now please write back to tell the writer your hobby according to what we have learned.(如果时间不允许,可以把回信作为课后作业)复习环节:一般用于讲完内容的时候复习的时候注意不是老师来总结,而是引导学生来说在这节课学到什么内容。Let’s review what we have learned today.What’s it?Do you remember……?——1分钟作业布置——0.5分钟(1)Finish your letter.(2)Make a telephone call to your good friend and ask him/her"What is your hobby?"评小组输赢——0.5分钟Let's see who is the winner today.Superman,5 points.Running man,4 points.Superman is the winner.Congratulations.But Runningman also did a very good job.Give all of you applause.Class is over.See you.



小学英语 阅读




Big cities and the countryside

Teaching aims

Students can understand the differences between big cities and the countryside.

Students can be familiar with the structure and usage of comparative degree.

Students will develop their reading abilities to catch keywords.

Students can foster the awareness of protecting the environment and understand their own options.

Key and difficult points

Key point

To understand the content of the reading material and be familiar with the structure and usage of comparative degree.

Difficult point

How to foster the awareness of protecting environment and understand their own options.

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greetings.

2. Let students enjoy a song named Five Hundred Miles and ask them whether they like this song and what kind of music the song belongs to. The song goes like this:

If you miss the train I am on.

You will know that I am gone.

You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles.

A hundred miles, a hundred miles.

A hundred miles, a hundred miles.

You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles.

Ask students to answer the question. Then tell them the features of country music and lead into the topic.

Step 2: Pre-reading

Show pictures of Beijing, Shanghai, and the countryside. And ask students to describe these pictures. After that ask a question, “Where do you want to live?” Then ask students to predict the main idea of the passage according to the title and these pictures.

Step 3: While-reading

1. Extensive listening

Read the passage for students and ask them to find the main idea of the reading material. At the same time, check their prediction.

Then invite one student to share the answer.

2. Intensive listening

Ask students to read the passage carefully and catch keywords for detailed information. They need to find out the cities mentioned in the passage and their features. Then lead students to fill in the chart on the blackboard.

After that explain the usage and structure of comparative degree.

3. Ask students to read after the tape to imitate the intonation and pronunciation.

Step 4: Post-reading

Ask students to hold a discussion in groups of four and talk about where they want to live and why. 5 minutes are given for discussion. Then invite some groups to share their opinions. And give positive feedback.

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary: invite a student to be a little teacher and summarize the whole class. Ask students to protect the environment and make cities more beautiful. They should work hard to achieve their goals.

Homework: ask students to draw a picture of the ideal place to live.

Blackboard design

Teaching reflection



1. What characteristic does pupil have, according to them how to undertake teaching?




【Suggested version】

Pupils are developing people with the following characteristics. In general,they are lively and active, playful and naughty, also with strong curiosity. Besides, they like to explore new things, and their cognitive and thinking abilities are naive and simple. Meanwhile, they can’t focus on one thing for a long time, especially in class. Therefore, teachers should focus on the characteristics of students and teach them in accordance with their aptitude. Multimedia, singing, pictures, and other novel ways are used to attract students' attention in class. At the same time, attention should be paid to students' study habits so that they can develop good study habits. Teachers also need to pay attention to discipline in class.

Only when teachers have a deep understanding of students' characteristics can they teach students in accordance with their aptitude and make students grow into talents.


2. Please talk about your strengths.






【Suggested version】

First of all, I have love and patience for students, and can constantly learn from the teaching experience of excellent teachers in school, pay attention to the comprehensive quality of students in an all-round way, and treat every student with love. Only love students, students will love you. In the process of teaching, I have been serving students and parents wholeheartedly.

Secondly, I have learned relevant professional knowledge of teaching and psychology in university, with excellent results, and I am able to apply it to real life.

Finally, I also have relevant educational experience. I once served as a teaching assistant in an educational institution, and have the experience of tutoring, so that I can understand students better and teach them according to their aptitude.

So I think I am fit to be a teacher and have the ability to shoulder the mission on my shoulder.

2020下高中英语 教师资格证 面试试题及答案【1月9日上午】


高中英语 词汇




A Couch Potato

Teaching aims

Students will be able to comprehend the passage and list the main character’s daily activity using timeline.

Students can be able to master the pronunciation, spelling, meaning and usage of the three underlined words.

Students will be able to use the words in their daily communications.

Students will be able to cultivate the awareness of having a healthy lifestyle.

Key and difficult points

Key point

To understand the passage and master the underlined words.

Difficult point

To apply the words in daily use accurately and learn to improve their lifestyle.

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greetings.

2. Have students describe what their perfect day will be like and what they will do. Invite some volunteers to share their perfect days. Have others decide whether the lifestyles are healthy. Tell students Brian is telling us about his perfect day as a couch potato. Lead into the topic and ask them to guess what a couch potato is according to the context.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Have students read the article quickly and share their understanding of couch potato (a person who takes little exercise and watches a lot of television).

2. Read the passage again and complete the timeline on the screen in 5mins. Check the answers together.

3. Have students guess the meaning of the three underlined words. The teacher makes a summary and adds more information about these words.

a. “Immediate” means at once or soon, and its adverb is “immediately”.

b. “downstairs” means to the floor lower than the one you are on, and its antonym is “upstairs”.

c. “Living room” means a room in a house where people sit together and watch television. Besides, in dining room, people have meals, and in bathroom, people take a shower.

Step 3: Practice

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. Encourage students to share their answers and have other students to review them.

1. Our troops immediately returned the fire.

2. Wait downstairs in the hall.

3. You have my room and I'll bed down in the living room.

4. He carried the plate through to the dining room.

5. Our immediate concern is to help the families of those who died.

Step 4: Production

Tell students that Brian is determined to a have healthy lifestyle, and invite them to design a timetable for him. 5 minutes are given for discussion. They are encouraged to use the vocabulary learned as much as possible. Then invite some groups to share.

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary: wrap up today’s lesson and remind them to exercise regularly, eat healthily, reduce stress and drink plenty of water.

Homework: ask students to observe their mother’s or father’s lifestyles. Describe them to group members next class and share their opinions on how to improve them.

Blackboard design

Teaching reflection



1. Please introduce yourself briefly.






【Suggested version】

Hi, I am from XX. I completed my Bachelor of Arts degree from XX College, in 2019. I majored in English translation. During college, I engaged in part-time English teaching, being an English teacher at a training institution and a volunteer teacher at a rural school. The students like my classes very much, which stimulates my love for education and make me aspire to be an educator.

I like reading during my leisure time. I like reading different kinds of books, covering education, literature, medicine, etc. My favorite book is The End of Molasses Classes authored by Ron Clark. This book is very attractive with various authentic teaching examples to illustrate that teachers should have high expectations of students, thereby students can make astonishing progress. This book has inspired me a lot during my teaching part-time experience, and will guide me in teaching in the future.

In my spare time, I also like doing some sports, such as jogging, yoga, and playing badminton with my friends.

My qualifications and work experience make me a suitable candidate to be a teacher. I am looking forward to exploring new dimensions for the further development of my skills.


2. Do you have any ways to motivate students to learn English?







【Suggested version】

One of the toughest tasks a teacher can have is to motivate students in the right way. I'd like to share my ideas.

Firstly, one way to encourage students’ intrinsic motivation is to make class communicative. Group activities and a flipped class are both great ways to attain the goal.

Secondly, making class fun is a surefire way to raise intrinsic motivation levels. Here are some strategies we can try: first is to invite pop culture into class, since students love movies, magazines and pop music. We could use them in class for listening activities, reading activities or to learn new vocabulary. The second way is to play games with students. They’re highly effective ways to teach vocabulary and practise grammatical structures.

What’s more, it’s important to give positive feedback, like compliments and encouragement, as well as criticism. Teachers don’t have to be the only source of feedback for students. We can encourage peer feedback and self-evaluation.

After teachers successfully inspire the motivation of students, we set them up for success even after they leave classrooms.





小学英语 阅读




Big cities and the countryside

Teaching aims

Students can understand the differences between big cities and the countryside.

Students can be familiar with the structure and usage of comparative degree.

Students will develop their reading abilities to catch keywords.

Students can foster the awareness of protecting the environment and understand their own options.

Key and difficult points

Key point

To understand the content of the reading material and be familiar with the structure and usage of comparative degree.

Difficult point

How to foster the awareness of protecting environment and understand their own options.

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greetings.

2. Let students enjoy a song named Five Hundred Miles and ask them whether they like this song and what kind of music the song belongs to. The song goes like this:

If you miss the train I am on.

You will know that I am gone.

You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles.

A hundred miles, a hundred miles.

A hundred miles, a hundred miles.

You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles.

Ask students to answer the question. Then tell them the features of country music and lead into the topic.

Step 2: Pre-reading

Show pictures of Beijing, Shanghai, and the countryside. And ask students to describe these pictures. After that ask a question, “Where do you want to live?” Then ask students to predict the main idea of the passage according to the title and these pictures.

Step 3: While-reading

1. Extensive listening

Read the passage for students and ask them to find the main idea of the reading material. At the same time, check their prediction.

Then invite one student to share the answer.

2. Intensive listening

Ask students to read the passage carefully and catch keywords for detailed information. They need to find out the cities mentioned in the passage and their features. Then lead students to fill in the chart on the blackboard.

After that explain the usage and structure of comparative degree.

3. Ask students to read after the tape to imitate the intonation and pronunciation.

Step 4: Post-reading

Ask students to hold a discussion in groups of four and talk about where they want to live and why. 5 minutes are given for discussion. Then invite some groups to share their opinions. And give positive feedback.

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary: invite a student to be a little teacher and summarize the whole class. Ask students to protect the environment and make cities more beautiful. They should work hard to achieve their goals.

Homework: ask students to draw a picture of the ideal place to live.

Blackboard design

Teaching reflection



1. What characteristic does pupil have, according to them how to undertake teaching?




【Suggested version】

Pupils are developing people with the following characteristics. In general,they are lively and active, playful and naughty, also with strong curiosity. Besides, they like to explore new things, and their cognitive and thinking abilities are naive and simple. Meanwhile, they can’t focus on one thing for a long time, especially in class. Therefore, teachers should focus on the characteristics of students and teach them in accordance with their aptitude. Multimedia, singing, pictures, and other novel ways are used to attract students' attention in class. At the same time, attention should be paid to students' study habits so that they can develop good study habits. Teachers also need to pay attention to discipline in class.

Only when teachers have a deep understanding of students' characteristics can they teach students in accordance with their aptitude and make students grow into talents.


2. Please talk about your strengths.






【Suggested version】

First of all, I have love and patience for students, and can constantly learn from the teaching experience of excellent teachers in school, pay attention to the comprehensive quality of students in an all-round way, and treat every student with love. Only love students, students will love you. In the process of teaching, I have been serving students and parents wholeheartedly.

Secondly, I have learned relevant professional knowledge of teaching and psychology in university, with excellent results, and I am able to apply it to real life.

Finally, I also have relevant educational experience. I once served as a teaching assistant in an educational institution, and have the experience of tutoring, so that I can understand students better and teach them according to their aptitude.

So I think I am fit to be a teacher and have the ability to shoulder the mission on my shoulder.

2020下高中英语 教师资格证 面试试题及答案【1月9日上午】


高中英语 词汇




A Couch Potato

Teaching aims

Students will be able to comprehend the passage and list the main character’s daily activity using timeline.

Students can be able to master the pronunciation, spelling, meaning and usage of the three underlined words.

Students will be able to use the words in their daily communications.

Students will be able to cultivate the awareness of having a healthy lifestyle.

Key and difficult points

Key point

To understand the passage and master the underlined words.

Difficult point

To apply the words in daily use accurately and learn to improve their lifestyle.

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greetings.

2. Have students describe what their perfect day will be like and what they will do. Invite some volunteers to share their perfect days. Have others decide whether the lifestyles are healthy. Tell students Brian is telling us about his perfect day as a couch potato. Lead into the topic and ask them to guess what a couch potato is according to the context.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Have students read the article quickly and share their understanding of couch potato (a person who takes little exercise and watches a lot of television).

2. Read the passage again and complete the timeline on the screen in 5mins. Check the answers together.

3. Have students guess the meaning of the three underlined words. The teacher makes a summary and adds more information about these words.

a. “Immediate” means at once or soon, and its adverb is “immediately”.

b. “downstairs” means to the floor lower than the one you are on, and its antonym is “upstairs”.

c. “Living room” means a room in a house where people sit together and watch television. Besides, in dining room, people have meals, and in bathroom, people take a shower.

Step 3: Practice

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. Encourage students to share their answers and have other students to review them.

1. Our troops immediately returned the fire.

2. Wait downstairs in the hall.

3. You have my room and I'll bed down in the living room.

4. He carried the plate through to the dining room.

5. Our immediate concern is to help the families of those who died.

Step 4: Production

Tell students that Brian is determined to a have healthy lifestyle, and invite them to design a timetable for him. 5 minutes are given for discussion. They are encouraged to use the vocabulary learned as much as possible. Then invite some groups to share.

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary: wrap up today’s lesson and remind them to exercise regularly, eat healthily, reduce stress and drink plenty of water.

Homework: ask students to observe their mother’s or father’s lifestyles. Describe them to group members next class and share their opinions on how to improve them.

Blackboard design

Teaching reflection



1. Please introduce yourself briefly.






【Suggested version】

Hi, I am from XX. I completed my Bachelor of Arts degree from XX College, in 2019. I majored in English translation. During college, I engaged in part-time English teaching, being an English teacher at a training institution and a volunteer teacher at a rural school. The students like my classes very much, which stimulates my love for education and make me aspire to be an educator.

I like reading during my leisure time. I like reading different kinds of books, covering education, literature, medicine, etc. My favorite book is The End of Molasses Classes authored by Ron Clark. This book is very attractive with various authentic teaching examples to illustrate that teachers should have high expectations of students, thereby students can make astonishing progress. This book has inspired me a lot during my teaching part-time experience, and will guide me in teaching in the future.

In my spare time, I also like doing some sports, such as jogging, yoga, and playing badminton with my friends.

My qualifications and work experience make me a suitable candidate to be a teacher. I am looking forward to exploring new dimensions for the further development of my skills.


2. Do you have any ways to motivate students to learn English?







【Suggested version】

One of the toughest tasks a teacher can have is to motivate students in the right way. I'd like to share my ideas.

Firstly, one way to encourage students’ intrinsic motivation is to make class communicative. Group activities and a flipped class are both great ways to attain the goal.

Secondly, making class fun is a surefire way to raise intrinsic motivation levels. Here are some strategies we can try: first is to invite pop culture into class, since students love movies, magazines and pop music. We could use them in class for listening activities, reading activities or to learn new vocabulary. The second way is to play games with students. They’re highly effective ways to teach vocabulary and practise grammatical structures.

What’s more, it’s important to give positive feedback, like compliments and encouragement, as well as criticism. Teachers don’t have to be the only source of feedback for students. We can encourage peer feedback and self-evaluation.

After teachers successfully inspire the motivation of students, we set them up for success even after they leave classrooms.



高中英语 词汇





Teaching aims

Students can learn the meaning and usage of some phrases including “at an end”, “in ruins” and “cut across”.

Students will be able to infer the meaning of the target phrases according to the context.

Students will learn to use these phrases in their oral practice.

Students will cherish their lives and their families and also learn how to protect themselves when earthquakes happen.

Key and difficult points

Key point

To grasp the meaning and usage of phrases including “at an end”, “in ruins” and “cut across” and learn how to use them while speaking.

Difficult point

To cherish their lives and families and learns the ways of protecting themselves when earthquakes happen.

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greetings.

2. Sing a song called Heal the World and ask students how they feel. The song goes like this:

Heal the world Make it a better place

For you and for me and the entire human race

There are people dying

If you care enough for the living

Make a better place for you and for me

Ask students to answer the question. They may say they are in sorrow. Then tell them that this song is composed by Michael Jackson to call for life cherish and they will have a deep understanding of this song after today’s lesson. Then lead into the topic.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Ask students to read through the passage and get the main idea of the passage.

2. Then read the passage for them and ask them to find out some new phrases. Invite one to write down on the blackboard including “at an end”, “cut across” and “in ruins”.

3. Ask students to guess the meanings of those phrases according to the context. Then explain them. For example, “cut across” meaning travel across or pass over. In the passage, we can see that a huge crack pass over houses, roads and canals. While for “in ruins”, it means damage according to the word “terrible”.

4. Emphasize that “at the end” and “in ruins” are prepositional phrases while “cut across” is verb phrase and ask them to pay attention to the function of them in sentences.

Step 3: Practice

1. Show some pictures and ask students to make sentences using the phrases we’ve learned to describe them. Some students will be invited to show their sentences.

2. Show the documentary of the Wenchuan Earthquake and ask students to describe what happened in the video using the phrases we’ve learned in the passage in groups of 4 in 5 minutes. Then, ask someone to share their answers. They may make sentences like “The severe shake of the mountains caused a huge crack cutting across the city”, “The village was in ruins after the earthquake”, etc. Then give positive feedback

Step 4: Production

Invite students to be a journalist at that time when the earthquake was happening and report what was happening. They may refer to the passage and take advantage of those phrases. And they will work in groups of 4 for 7 minutes. Then ask 2 representatives to deliver the report in front of the class. They may give a real-time report of how the earthquake happened and what the rescuers are doing.

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary: invite a student to be an assistant teacher and summarize today’s lesson. Then ask students to cherish their lives and love their families since life is fragile.

Homework: ask students to search for ways of protecting themselves when earthquakes happen.

Blackboard design

Teaching reflection



1. What should you do if no one answers your question in your class?







【Suggested version】

It is normal for students not to answer questions in class. The reason may be that the students are shy, I did not give guidance properly, or my class atmosphere is not lively enough, so the students are not interested. I will make adjustments from the following aspects:

First of all, if the student is shy and dare not answer questions, I will encourage him to answer verbally, and reward him when appropriate.

Secondly, if it is because I did not give guidance properly, I will the way I ask questions. For example, I can change the “is it right” type of question to “why in this case”, “how do you think”, or “do you have any other opinions”. In this way, heuristic teaching mode is utilized.

Finally, if it is because the class atmosphere is too boring and students are not interested, I will design different activities and make competition to fully mobilize students’ enthusiasm. For example, in this class, I let students learn phrases with real-time reports by journalists, which can increase students’ interest.

With the above measures, I believe students will love to answer my questions gradually.


2. What kind of approach did you use in the course of vocabulary just now?





【Suggested version】

In this vocabulary class, I adopted the practicing methods from mechanical exercises to meaningful ones, so that students can gradually master the sound, form and meaning of vocabulary.

First of all, I let students use the vocabulary they have learned to make sentences to describe pictures to perform easy exercises and master the basic meaning and usage of vocabulary.

Secondly, I asked students to watch a video of the Wenchuan Earthquake and tell the story of what happened. They can refer to the expressions and phrases in the passage for in-depth exercises. In this session, students can deepen their impressions on the vocabulary through oral English practice and further master their usage of these phrases.



高中英语 词汇




Anne’s best friend

Teaching aims:

Knowledge aims:

Students can understand the content of the passage and the historic background of the second world war.

Ability aim:

Students will learn some new words such as hide away, discover and set down.

Emotional aim:

Students can realize the importance of world peace and cherish our lives.

Key and difficult points:

Key point:

To understand the passage and learn some new words.

Difficult point:

To foster the importance of world peace and cherish our lives.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greetings.

2. Let students enjoy a song named You are my sunshine and ask them to pay attention to the lyrics. The song goes like this:

You are my sunshine my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are gray

You’ll never know dear how much I love you

Please don’t take my sunshine away

Ask students to answer the question “What do you think is your sunshine in your life?” Then tell them that friends are like the sunshine in our lives and lead in the topic.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Read the passage to the students and ask them the main idea of the passage.

2. Ask them to pay attention to some words like hid away, discovered and set down and write them down on the blackboard.

3. Explain to them that the original form of “hid away, discovered” are “hide away, discover” and tell them the meaning of these three phrases.

Step 3: Practice

1. Five minutes will be given to students and ask students to make new sentences with three phrases they have just learned like:

The wanted man hid away in the forest

Columbus discovered America in 1492.

The police set down his phone number.

Step 4: Production

Ask students to discuss the stories they know about the second world war in groups of four and encourage students to share their ideas. 5 minutes will be given for discussion. Then invite some groups to share.

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary: invite a student to be a little teacher and summarize today’s lesson. Ask students to cherish our lives.

Homework: ask students to design a poster about promoting Anne’s diary and share it next class.

Blackboard design:

Teaching reflection


1. What should be included when teaching vocabulary?



I think it mainly refers four aspects as follows:

Firstly, meaning. Teaching vocabulary involves two aspects: conceptual meaning and associative meaning.

Secondly, basic information, which involves its part of speech, affixes, spelling and pronunciation. It also includes lexical rules, the syntax structure of words.

Thirdly, usage. It includes collocation, phrases, idioms, and others.

Lastly, learning strategies. It can be divides into controlling strategies, resource strategies, cognitive strategies, memory strategies and strategies for organizing activities.






2. What qualities should an excellent teacher have?



I hold that an excellent teacher should have the following qualities:

At first, he should have high professional ethics. All excellent teachers should be dedicated and selfless, and truly concern students and care to help them.

Then, he should possess an abundant knowledge.

Last but not the least, he should own excellent qualities, such as getting along with colleges, or dealing with different situation properly to set a good example for students.





2020下高中英语 教师资格证 面试试题及答案【1月9日上午】


高中英语 词汇




A Couch Potato

Teaching aims

Students will be able to comprehend the passage and list the main character’s daily activity using timeline.

Students can be able to master the pronunciation, spelling, meaning and usage of the three underlined words.

Students will be able to use the words in their daily communications.

Students will be able to cultivate the awareness of having a healthy lifestyle.

Key and difficult points

Key point

To understand the passage and master the underlined words.

Difficult point

To apply the words in daily use accurately and learn to improve their lifestyle.

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greetings.

2. Have students describe what their perfect day will be like and what they will do. Invite some volunteers to share their perfect days. Have others decide whether the lifestyles are healthy. Tell students Brian is telling us about his perfect day as a couch potato. Lead into the topic and ask them to guess what a couch potato is according to the context.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Have students read the article quickly and share their understanding of couch potato (a person who takes little exercise and watches a lot of television).

2. Read the passage again and complete the timeline on the screen in 5mins. Check the answers together.

3. Have students guess the meaning of the three underlined words. The teacher makes a summary and adds more information about these words.

a. “Immediate” means at once or soon, and its adverb is “immediately”.

b. “downstairs” means to the floor lower than the one you are on, and its antonym is “upstairs”.

c. “Living room” means a room in a house where people sit together and watch television. Besides, in dining room, people have meals, and in bathroom, people take a shower.

Step 3: Practice

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. Encourage students to share their answers and have other students to review them.

1. Our troops immediately returned the fire.

2. Wait downstairs in the hall.

3. You have my room and I'll bed down in the living room.

4. He carried the plate through to the dining room.

5. Our immediate concern is to help the families of those who died.

Step 4: Production

Tell students that Brian is determined to a have healthy lifestyle, and invite them to design a timetable for him. 5 minutes are given for discussion. They are encouraged to use the vocabulary learned as much as possible. Then invite some groups to share.

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary: wrap up today’s lesson and remind them to exercise regularly, eat healthily, reduce stress and drink plenty of water.

Homework: ask students to observe their mother’s or father’s lifestyles. Describe them to group members next class and share their opinions on how to improve them.

Blackboard design

Teaching reflection



1. Please introduce yourself briefly.






【Suggested version】

Hi, I am from XX. I completed my Bachelor of Arts degree from XX College, in 2019. I majored in English translation. During college, I engaged in part-time English teaching, being an English teacher at a training institution and a volunteer teacher at a rural school. The students like my classes very much, which stimulates my love for education and make me aspire to be an educator.

I like reading during my leisure time. I like reading different kinds of books, covering education, literature, medicine, etc. My favorite book is The End of Molasses Classes authored by Ron Clark. This book is very attractive with various authentic teaching examples to illustrate that teachers should have high expectations of students, thereby students can make astonishing progress. This book has inspired me a lot during my teaching part-time experience, and will guide me in teaching in the future.

In my spare time, I also like doing some sports, such as jogging, yoga, and playing badminton with my friends.

My qualifications and work experience make me a suitable candidate to be a teacher. I am looking forward to exploring new dimensions for the further development of my skills.


2. Do you have any ways to motivate students to learn English?







【Suggested version】

One of the toughest tasks a teacher can have is to motivate students in the right way. I'd like to share my ideas.

Firstly, one way to encourage students’ intrinsic motivation is to make class communicative. Group activities and a flipped class are both great ways to attain the goal.

Secondly, making class fun is a surefire way to raise intrinsic motivation levels. Here are some strategies we can try: first is to invite pop culture into class, since students love movies, magazines and pop music. We could use them in class for listening activities, reading activities or to learn new vocabulary. The second way is to play games with students. They’re highly effective ways to teach vocabulary and practise grammatical structures.

What’s more, it’s important to give positive feedback, like compliments and encouragement, as well as criticism. Teachers don’t have to be the only source of feedback for students. We can encourage peer feedback and self-evaluation.

After teachers successfully inspire the motivation of students, we set them up for success even after they leave classrooms.



高中英语 词汇





Teaching aims

Students can learn the meaning and usage of some phrases including “at an end”, “in ruins” and “cut across”.

Students will be able to infer the meaning of the target phrases according to the context.

Students will learn to use these phrases in their oral practice.

Students will cherish their lives and their families and also learn how to protect themselves when earthquakes happen.

Key and difficult points

Key point

To grasp the meaning and usage of phrases including “at an end”, “in ruins” and “cut across” and learn how to use them while speaking.

Difficult point

To cherish their lives and families and learns the ways of protecting themselves when earthquakes happen.

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greetings.

2. Sing a song called Heal the World and ask students how they feel. The song goes like this:

Heal the world Make it a better place

For you and for me and the entire human race

There are people dying

If you care enough for the living

Make a better place for you and for me

Ask students to answer the question. They may say they are in sorrow. Then tell them that this song is composed by Michael Jackson to call for life cherish and they will have a deep understanding of this song after today’s lesson. Then lead into the topic.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Ask students to read through the passage and get the main idea of the passage.

2. Then read the passage for them and ask them to find out some new phrases. Invite one to write down on the blackboard including “at an end”, “cut across” and “in ruins”.

3. Ask students to guess the meanings of those phrases according to the context. Then explain them. For example, “cut across” meaning travel across or pass over. In the passage, we can see that a huge crack pass over houses, roads and canals. While for “in ruins”, it means damage according to the word “terrible”.

4. Emphasize that “at the end” and “in ruins” are prepositional phrases while “cut across” is verb phrase and ask them to pay attention to the function of them in sentences.

Step 3: Practice

1. Show some pictures and ask students to make sentences using the phrases we’ve learned to describe them. Some students will be invited to show their sentences.

2. Show the documentary of the Wenchuan Earthquake and ask students to describe what happened in the video using the phrases we’ve learned in the passage in groups of 4 in 5 minutes. Then, ask someone to share their answers. They may make sentences like “The severe shake of the mountains caused a huge crack cutting across the city”, “The village was in ruins after the earthquake”, etc. Then give positive feedback

Step 4: Production

Invite students to be a journalist at that time when the earthquake was happening and report what was happening. They may refer to the passage and take advantage of those phrases. And they will work in groups of 4 for 7 minutes. Then ask 2 representatives to deliver the report in front of the class. They may give a real-time report of how the earthquake happened and what the rescuers are doing.

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary: invite a student to be an assistant teacher and summarize today’s lesson. Then ask students to cherish their lives and love their families since life is fragile.

Homework: ask students to search for ways of protecting themselves when earthquakes happen.

Blackboard design

Teaching reflection



1. What should you do if no one answers your question in your class?







【Suggested version】

It is normal for students not to answer questions in class. The reason may be that the students are shy, I did not give guidance properly, or my class atmosphere is not lively enough, so the students are not interested. I will make adjustments from the following aspects:

First of all, if the student is shy and dare not answer questions, I will encourage him to answer verbally, and reward him when appropriate.

Secondly, if it is because I did not give guidance properly, I will the way I ask questions. For example, I can change the “is it right” type of question to “why in this case”, “how do you think”, or “do you have any other opinions”. In this way, heuristic teaching mode is utilized.

Finally, if it is because the class atmosphere is too boring and students are not interested, I will design different activities and make competition to fully mobilize students’ enthusiasm. For example, in this class, I let students learn phrases with real-time reports by journalists, which can increase students’ interest.

With the above measures, I believe students will love to answer my questions gradually.


2. What kind of approach did you use in the course of vocabulary just now?





【Suggested version】

In this vocabulary class, I adopted the practicing methods from mechanical exercises to meaningful ones, so that students can gradually master the sound, form and meaning of vocabulary.

First of all, I let students use the vocabulary they have learned to make sentences to describe pictures to perform easy exercises and master the basic meaning and usage of vocabulary.

Secondly, I asked students to watch a video of the Wenchuan Earthquake and tell the story of what happened. They can refer to the expressions and phrases in the passage for in-depth exercises. In this session, students can deepen their impressions on the vocabulary through oral English practice and further master their usage of these phrases.

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