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224 评论


Yes, I do. For example, sometimes I was just interested in the gift which would send to you when you buy a bag of towels that you should believed that some day you would use.

204 评论


Everyone must have two impulses during their live.One is for the beautiful love which called 'dash ahead regardless of one's safety' ,the other is for the immediate travelling.这里的奋不顾身,我翻译成“一次是为了爱情,这种叫做‘奋不顾身’的东西”,不知道你能不能接受。。你要是觉得不行,就直接换成One is for the selfless love.

168 评论



171 评论


momentum 动量 impulse 冲量物体的动量变化量等于所受合力的冲量.动量就是:物体的质量乘以速度冲量就是:作用在物体上的力F乘以作用的时间t

293 评论


We have not a child anymore Today I just want to say something to all of us students. In the morning, when we wake up of time,breakfast is wating for us. We will ask our parents for money to buy whatever we want ,no matter whether it is useless and how much it is,throw anything we seemed old and dirty!We are even quarrel with our parents only for little things! Boys and girls, we have not a child anymore ,and wo are collage sdtudents now!Have we ever thought of ourselves?We all we do have any regrets?If we listen to our parents, and asked them whether as well as before? We often give who call by mobile phone ?Our boy/girlfriend?Our friends?Evryone, except our payents!How often we stay at our home,but we never find the medicine which our parents hide in one place we are less aware of!We are always stay at home but never get up earlier than parents to do a breakfast for them!So stupid and implusive we are! Never! Never! Never!We are doing the "never things" all the time!It's time for us to do something for our old parents!Don't argue with them for anything,spent our part-time with them as often as possible,Often call them and say something seemed kindhearted!Let them know we are worreid about them at any time!They will be very happy to know that we have not a child anymore and it also a best present for them! Let us speak loudly to the world: We have not a child anymore 在原文上修改了一些地方,应该可以了!

340 评论



96 评论


  • 英语语法术语英语

    是各种语法术语的英文名称,那多去了。可以是一本小册子。名词性从句:Noun Clauses. 语法 grammar 句法 syntax 词法 morpholog

    温馨玫瑰 6人参与回答 2024-06-13
  • 英语宾语状语补语

    subject s 主 predicate v 谓 object o 宾 attributive attrib 定 complement c 补 adverbi

    梦中的纸马 11人参与回答 2024-06-12
  • 英语宾语语


    annking168 5人参与回答 2024-06-12
  • 英语口语英语

    1. Hello! (How do you do?)你好! 2. How are you?-I'm fine. Thank you. and you?你好吗?我

    999966开心 5人参与回答 2024-06-13
  • implus英语


    托尼小吃货 7人参与回答 2024-06-12